✧. * 014. Hogsmeade ✧. *

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"Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here — ooh, they used to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!"

 Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!"

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"AURORA! HARRY!" HERMIONE SQUEALED. "What are you doing here? How – how did you –?"

"Wow!" Ron said, look​ing very im​pressed. "You two have learned to Ap​pa​rate!"

'"Course we haven't," Har​ry said. He dropped his voice so that none of the sixth-​years could hear them and told them all about the Ma​raud​er's Map.

"How come Fred and George nev​er gave it to me!" Ron said, out​raged. "I'm their broth​er!"

"They just like us better." Aurora said, with a cheeky grin.

"But Aurora and Har​ry isn't go​ing to keep it!" Hermione said, as though the idea was lu​di​crous. "You two go​ing to hand it in to Pro​fes​sor McGonagall, aren't you, Har​ry?"

"No, we are not!" Har​ry said.

"Are you mad?" Ron said, gog​gling at Hermione. "Hand in some​thing that good?"

Aurora kept her mouth shut. Hermione had her reasons to be concerned. So she didn't say anything.

"If I hand it in, I'll have to say where I got it! Filch would know Fred and George nicked it!"

"But what about Sir​ius Black?" Hermione hissed. "He could be us​ing one of the pas​sages on that
map to get in​to the cas​tle! The teach​ers have got to know!"

"He can't be get​ting in through a pas​sage," Har​ry said quick​ly. "There are sev​en se​cret tun​nels on
the map, right? Fred and George reck​on Filch already knows about four of them. And the oth​er three – one of them's caved in, so no one can get through it. One of them's got the Whomp​ing Wil​low plant​ed over the en​trance, so you can't get out of it. And the one I just came through – well – it's re​al​ly hard to see the en​trance to it down in the cel​lar – so un​less he knew it was there –"

Aurora hes​itat​ed for a moment. What if Black did know the pas​sage was there? Ron, how​ev​er, cleared his throat sig​nif​icant​ly, and point​ed to a no​tice pasted on the inside of the sweet​shop door.

Cus​tomers are re​mind​ed that un​til fur​ther no​tice, Demen​tors will be pa​trolling the streets of Hogsmeade ev​ery night af​ter sun​down. This measure has been put in place for the safe​ty of Hogsmeade res​idents and will be lift​ed up​on the re​cap​ture of Sir​ius Black. It is there​fore ad​vis​able that you com​plete your shop​ping well be​fore night​fall. Mer​ry Christ​mas!

"See?" Ron said qui​et​ly. "I'd like to see Black try and break in​to Hon​ey​dukes with De​men​tors swarm​ing all over the vil​lage. Any​way, Hermione, the Hon​ey​dukes own​ers would hear a break in, wouldn't they? They live over the shop!"

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