✧. * 023. Exams and Buckbeak✧. *

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E X A M S    A N D    B U C K B E A K
"It was like, this boggart, searched her whole soul, and found something she had kept deep down within her."

THE WINNING OF THE HOUSE CUP lasted at least a week

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THE WINNING OF THE HOUSE CUP lasted at least a week. Even the weath​er seemed to be celebrating; as June ap​proached, the days be​came cloud​less and sul​try, and all any​body felt like do​ing was strolling in​to the grounds and flop​ping down on the grass with sev​er​al pints of iced pump​kin juice, per​haps play​ing a ca​su​al game of Gob​stones or watch​ing the gi​ant squid pro​pel it​self dream​ily across the sur​face of the lake.

But they couldn't. The ex​ams were near​ly up​on them, and in​stead of laz​ing around out​side, the students were forced to re​main in​side the cas​tle, trying to bul​ly their brains in​to con​cen​trat​ing while en​tic​ing wafts of sum​mer air drift​ed in through the win​dows.

Even Fred and George Weasley had been spot​ted work​ing; they were about to take their OWLs (Ordinary Wiz​ard​ing Lev​els). Per​cy was get​ting ready to sit his NEWTs (Nas​ti​ly Ex​haust​ing Wiz​ard​ing Tests), the high​est qual​ifi​ca​tion Hog​warts offered. As Per​cy hoped to en​ter the Min​istry of Magic, he need​ed top grades. He was be​com​ing increas​ing​ly edgy, and gave very se​vere pun​ish​ments to any​body who dis​turbed the qui​et of the com​mon room in the evenings.

In fact, the on​ly per​son who seemed more anx​ious than Per​cy was Hermione. Har​ry and Ron had giv​en up ask​ing her how she was man​ag​ing to at​tend several class​es at once, but they couldn't re​strain them​selves when they saw the ex​am timetable she had drawn up for her​self. The first col​umn read:

9 o'clock, Arith​man​cy
9 o'clock, Trans​fig​ura​tion Lunch
1 o'clock, Charms
1 o'clock, An​cient Runes

Even Aurora began to become worry about her best friend.

"Hermione?" Ron said cau​tious​ly, be​cause she was liable to ex​plode when in​ter​rupt​ed these days. "Er – are you sure you've copied down these times right?"

"What?" Hermione snapped, pick​ing up the ex​am timetable and ex​am​in​ing it. "Yes, of course I have."

"Is there any point ask​ing how you're go​ing to sit two ex​ams at once?" Har​ry said, turning his head to Aurora who just shrugged her shoulders.

"No," Hermione said short​ly. "Has ei​ther of you seen my copy of Nu​merol​ogy and Gram​mat​ica?"

"Oh, yeah, I bor​rowed it for a bit of bed​time reading," Ron said, but very qui​et​ly. Hermione started shift​ing heaps of parch​ment around on her table, look​ing for the book. Just then, there was a rustle at the win​dow and Hed​wig flut​tered through it, a note clutched tight​ly in her beak.

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