A Fancy Dinner

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A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in an update, I felt a little discouraged after how my last chapter was received and was contemplating not continuing at all. However, as you can see, I am back. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Wednesday pulled the black suit jacket she had reserved for special occasions on and adjusted it with a firm grip. She examined herself in the mirror attached to Enid's vanity. The werewolf had decided to get prepared in Yoko's room as that was where a good portion of her stuff still was. Wednesday adjusted her iconic braids slightly before walking over to her bed to put her platform boots on. Once completely dressed, the raven grabbed the black roses she had bought for the Enid. She debated cutting the tops off as she had always seen her mother do but decided she's still stand somewhat firm in the idea that she'd never become a copy of her mother. Wednesday jumped slightly as she heard a gentle, familiar knock at the door.

"Wednesday? Are you ready?" A sweet voice said through the door. The girl felt her skin prick with goosebumps as she heard Enid's voice.

"Yes, you may come in." Wednesday deadpanned. She turned around and watched the door open to reveal an adorably colorful Enid. A pale pink sweater adorned the white collared shirt and red gingham skirt the girl was wearing. The psychic felt a tiny bit of heat touch the tip of her ears as she took in the sight. "Here." She said, finally breaking the silence and handing the blonde the rose.

"Oh! These are so pretty, thank you!" Enid chirped in appreciation. "Hold on, I have just the thing to put them in. The bubbly girl stepped past Wednesday and hopped over to her closet. After a few moments she returned with two vases, both with puppies painted on them. "My aunt got these for me when I came here. Good thinking, right?" She said, walking over to the bathroom and filling the two up with water. She set them down, took the flowers Wednesday had been boredly holding, and put them in the vases.

"May we go now?" Wednesday asked.

"Yep!" Enid smiled, skipping over to the smaller girls side.


The sky was dark but the streets were illuminated by lights as the two walked the streets of Jericho. The sounds of people talking could be heard in the background As the girls approached the nice restaurant Wednesday had booked. As soon as she recognized it, Enid's eyes lit up with excitement.

"OMG! No freakin' way! Wednesday this place is like crazy nice, you didn't have to do this." Enid whined, trying her hardest not to crack a smile. Wednesday hummed in response, merely glancing at the girl before walking a little ahead to get the door. The smell of finely cooked meat and clean fabric instantly hit Enid as she stepped through the door. This was her favorite restaurant in Jericho. She smiled and walked up with Wednesday behind her, getting the attention of the host.

"Welcome! Just two of you today?" She asked.

"Yep!" The blonde smiled.

"Actually we made a reservation under the name Addams." Wednesday stated as she stood firmly next to her date.

"Oh! Okay let me go check!" The host said as she began to look through the tablet on her stand. "Alright! Right this way." The two were lead into the dining area, past booths and tables, and finally to a fancy tucked away room in the back. "Here we are, your server will be with you soon!" The normie said, setting down two menus and sets of silverware.

"Wow Wednesday, you really didn't have to do all this." Enid said, sitting down across from the smaller girl.

"I know." She responded, staring blankly into the werewolf's eyes. This made her laugh sheepishly and look away, trying to find something to stare at. The two sat in a comfortable silence, the only sound being the distant clicking of fancy dishes and piano music. After another pause, Enid finally returned her gaze to Wednesday. "Thank you for this, I'm really glad we're doing this." She smiled sincerely. The goth felt her heart jump with affection at the blondes unexpectedly loaded words.

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