Chapter 1

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The United States of America is a country well-known around the world. It's a country that just entered a Golden Age of Prosperity. The unemployment rate has gone to an all-time low, the economy is booming again, and somewhat unified. In the 2020s, the US Government sent people to the moon to begin lunar colonization. Then just in 20 years, the Lunar Colonies were striving and people want to get jobs on the moon just to make a living. 

John Roosevelt was the descendant of Franklin Roosevelt and the current President of the US. A meeting was held in the White House with his Cabinet member to discuss on where this country will lead in the next 20 years.

"Gentlemen, I assume you know what are we going to talk about right?" Roosevelt asked as everyone gave each other a nod "good, now so do we have any reports on how long will this boom will last?" 

"Well Mr. President, statistics show that if we continue stabilizing this plan, then it would probably last for the next 30 years or more." A Cabinet Member said

"NATO was also discussing this plan as well. Britain, France, Germany, and Italy were planning to copy off our plan so they can have a stabilizing plan" A Fem Cabinet Member said

Roosevelt nodded "That's good, I'll look into the statistics later, now than moving onto-" As he was about to say something, an alarm sounded off throughout the building. What in the god's name is happening," he asked loudly as a secret service burst into the room and announced

"Mr. President we have to get your to safety" 

"What is happening?" He asked loudly throughout the room as the Secret Service quickly dragged him out of the room

1 hour before

American archeologists divers found something very unusual in the Atlantic Ocean. Off the coast of England and Iceland. Both British and Icelandic fishermen reported seeing something glowing in the ocean during the night time. As ship divers dived into the deep ocean, they found some shipwreck, and it turned out to be a supply ship. More surprisingly there was a huge swastika or some people call it HakenKruez. The symbol that is known all around the world. If no one knew about this, then it's not from this world.

The explorers explored inside the ships for minutes, they only find old equipment from the Second World War. From guns, ammo and many others. They went deeper into the ship. As they did, they saw something that shocked them. Machines that would find in a sci-fi movies.

"Hey guys, am I seeing what I'm seeing?" 

"You're not crazy dude" 

"it must be one of those experimental weapons that Hitler wanted to make"

They quickly snap pictures of these machines. The divers had theories that they sunk this ship deep into the ocean so no one could ever get their hands on it. Especially to the Soviets. Then one of the divers went close to take a look. That was until the machine glowed signifying that it turned on. Then it was starting to produce a loud whine.

"What the hell is happening?"

"I didn't do anything!!!"

Everyone panicked and swam out of there fast as they can. A minute later they reached the surface. As they got back to their boat. They quickly swam off to report this back to their superiors. 

Back at the White House, Roosevelt was quickly escorted to a safety bunker. At a nearby window, he saw a white beam. Shined brightly blinding everyone in the US. With that everything blacked out except for the ones who didn't see it or the ones who were flying in planes. 

In another part of the city, people were panicking while some who are religious radicals claimed the end times has come. 

"What the hell is going on!!!!"

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