Chapter 4

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If things can get a lot worse, they did. First constant unrest in the United States, second learning they went back in time, third, four of the most ruthless dictators are alive and well, and fifth, there is an alien invasion. 

All the while, President John Roosevelt was speaking to one of his three military advisers and the Secretary of Defense

"Gentlemen, how is everything going on now? How did the people react to this?

"Mr. President, all of our people still talking about the controversy about this whole new world. The Neuroi, Witches, Time Travel, and most of all are about the four ruthless dictators. Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo.

"Mr. President, what are we going to do about those four?" Air marshal Trembly asked

"Looks like we're going to send CIA Agents to their respective country." 

"Well sir, according to the Ambassador, Karlsland is the counterpart of Germany and they are currently occupied by the Neuroi. Major parts of Orussia which are Russia is also heavily occupied by the Neuroi. In this case, Adolf Hitler whereabouts is currently unknown, Stalin is probably somewhere in Orussia, Mussolini is somewhere in Romanga, and Tojo is the current Prime Minister of Fuso."

John nodded to let this sync in. Then he moved onto another topic "So moving on from that, so what should we do with Liberion remnants?" 

General Brown spoke "Mr. President, I think we should take them in as citizens"

John looked at Brown as he is interested

"Sir all those Liberions must've been very devastated about the news of their country disappearance"

"You're right General Brown, since Liberion is gone and we're like a Parallel version of it, we might as well take them in"

"yes sir"

"The Blockade is still issued, and the Ambassador? 

"He left already sir, he said he sends his regard to you. I believe he is going to inform the world about us" Said Secretary Adam Johnson

Faraway Land - News Conference 

Ambassador Thomas Frounier told everything to the leaders of countries that he discussed with the President of the USA and his Joint Chief of Staff. 

Some believed that it was major VS, but everything changed when he showed evidence he gathered with his camera. The pictures of the major cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, and DC. It showed that everything looked so advanced. There are taller skyscrapers and the cars they drove on looked like it came from a sci-fi movie. 

He also showed a colored picture of him in the Pentagon. Meeting with President John Roosevelt and his Joint Chief of Staff. He even told him that he was a descendant of the late FDR. 

After the presentation was done, Prime Minister King told President Avila Camacho who is the leader of Azteca, everything they heard to what the Ambassador has said. As a result, both leaders announced it to the world. Both Prime Minister King and President Avila Camacho held a news conference to answer the reporter's questions. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it seems that Liberion is replaced with new land. A country once again. Are there any questions?" He was then bombarded with questions from the report

501st JFW Base.

The members of the 501st were bewilderment by shocked, wonder, and surprise when they heard that there is once again, land on the two oceans connected to each other. The former Liberion.

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