Chapter 7

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Washington DC, Pentagon

General Eisenhower, General McArthur, General Bradley, and General Patton arrived at the Pentagon to meet with official US Leaders. They met with General George Brown, US Air Marshal Charlie Tremblay, and Secretary of Defense Adam Johnson. They were in a conference room in the Pentagon and surrounded with officials, Soldiers, and the US President. 

"Mr. President, I'm glad we can finally meet," Eisenhower said

"Pleasure is all mine," Roosevelt said "Please have a seat" 

They all sat down and were given water to drink. As they took a sip, Roosevelt began to speak

"OK, so according to my intelligence, You guys are the leaders of the European Allied Forces?" Johnson asked

"Correct, me, Bradley, Patton, and McArthur are currently stationed at Britannia, but now with America giving us refuge here, we might as well start off with the Neuroi." Eisenhower said

"Perfect, can you give us more info about the Neruoi?" Johnson asked

"Very well," Patton said "For starts, the Neuroi origins are unknown, we don't know where they come from. We're assuming they are from space, but we have no space capabilities, and the Karlsland is the only nation that has rocket experiments" 

Roosevelt, Johnson, Tremblay, and Brown were listening to everyone's statements about the Neuroi and such. Then as soon as they finished, Roosevelt began speaking.

"Well first things first, you don't need to worry about Rockets, the United States of America apparently has advanced rockets that took us to space. In fact, were the first nation to land to the moon, and colonize the moon

Roosevelt then showed a video of footage of the moon landings that occurred in 1969, and the Colonizing of the Moon in 2028. Both of these years were the biggest achievements that America has done. All of the Liberion Generals were stunned to see that America was this advanced.

"Are there anyone in the moon right now?" McArthur asked

"Yes, we just made contact with the Lunar Colonies after we arrived on this Earth. They are doing fine, and everything is stable up there. The US Space Force has sent some troops up there to give aid. Air Marshal said

Bradley and the others looked at each other. Space Force, is this the newly added Military Branch that they heard of? They didn't realize that they were this advanced in the military. With the US on their side, they might find the origins of this Neuroi sooner or later. 

"I have another question, are we going to be integrated into the US military?" McArthur asked

"Yes, The Liberion Military Remnants and the witches will be integrated into the US military, plus we have some plans to create a Witch Division for the US Military." Roosevelt said "In this division, the Witches will have access to modern technology. Including Computers, advanced info and so much more" 

"Wonderful, so what about us?" Eisenhower asked

"Well, the Liberion Troops will also be given a new way to train and integrate into the US Military. New weapons, tactics, and such. Not only that all of them will be given benefits, and a class to learn how to live in this new social norm." Roosevelt said

"Well, we can try to do that, since this is a new society and all. After all, this is the year 2045. Lots of things changed in a hundred years." Patton said

Roosevelt smiled in satisfaction

"Alright then. We got that all cleared, let's move on" 


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