Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Sorry, I’ve been dealing a lot of things lately. :-/

The soothing chirping of the birds woke me up. I don’t get to hear that masterpiece of nature often. I was amazed as I immediately got on my feet to look outside my window. But sadly, as soon as I did, the birds fluttered their wings simultaneously as though it seemed like I disturbed them. They flew off and I did not get to see them longer than I wanted.

I sighed, feeling a little upset. I am obviously not the luckiest person ever. People hate me, and now animals might even hate me as well. I trotted to the bathroom to wash my face. I was somehow thankful that the cuts were healing really fast. Faster than usual I got to say. All the bruises that crawled my face down to my neck area were slowly diminishing. I smiled a little by what I saw. It was really pleasing.

Not only was I chirpy because of what I saw from the mirror, I was also happy that it’s the first day of February. I sure know that students at my school would go head over heels about this month. Girls would start sending letters to their crushes discretely and guys would start chasing girls for a date. And as for me, most probably, I would just sit around watching them.

Aside from Valentines, another thing that makes people freak out during February is the annual Prom. I don’t really get it how it has become the most awaited moment of the year. Basically, it's just an event where students gather to dress up well. Besides, as I've heard it's only the popular ones or the ones who have boyfriends or girlfriends that really enjoy it.

Most probably, I would not be attending it.    

The coldness of the bathroom tiles sent chills throughout my body. I started stripping as I prepared for a shower. The water was already on the right temperature when I checked it out. The feeling of being soaked by warm water is just beyond paradise, It’ relaxing, rejuvenating and all. It makes you feel good as new.

I began scrubbing my body with the soap over and over. For some reason, I wanted to look good today. I mean, it does not really have to be over the top kind of good. Just good enough. After all, I have always noticed that Miguel smells really good when he hang outs with me. And I don’t even know how I smell like when I come close to him. But I guess I smell okay because I do not sweat a lot.

I snapped back from my thoughts when I heard loud knocking on the door. It must have been my father. My reflexes were tested as I sped up with the rinsing. I got out of the bathroom nearly tripping myself over as my feet were wet. I went over to my drawer and put on random clothes. Beads of water were dripping from my head. After the quick cramming, I turned my attention to the cause of all of the rushing. Loud banging.

The thud on the door was not even minimized since the time I started noticing it. I unlocked the knob and right on cue the door flung open, revealing the anger on my Dad’s facial expression.

“Don’t. Keep. Me. Waiting.” A back hand greeted me Good Morning.

My head flew sideward. Automatically, I ascended my palms to comfort my stinging newly slapped cheek. I brought my head down as I began rubbing it. Meanwhile, Dad was scoffing.

“WORTHLESS” Dad spat. The tone was all about mockery.

“Go make me breakfast, or you’ll get it from the belt.” He delivered so sternly as he began heading downstairs to the living room.

I decided to start moving since I’ve always known that it’s not a good idea to keep my Dad waiting.

After cooking Dad his breakfast, I headed for school. I lost my appetite from all of Dad’s cursing and all. It really hurts! I know that I was doing my best, yet he still thinks I’m not good enough. It sucks, knowing that he is all I have. I mean, what do I ever have to for him?  

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