Chapter 1 - Love takes

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"Ann-Marie?" I scroll down the list of things I need to get done before the talent show in February as I enter the apartment. Taking on this commitment while also making sure I don't fall behind on my studies and trying to keep a social life going has been madness.

"Emma." Ann-Marie comes running out of her room. Her face is bright and smiling as she stops in front of me.

We've only been living together for a few months, but thanks to Ann-Marie's uncle, we have an amazing apartment within walking distance of the UNI campus. I laugh at the tiny woman in front of me. Her happiness is always contagious, but right now, she's in overdrive.

"What's going on? Did someone slip you an edible?"

"Emma. I have great news. Oh my god, I still can't believe this. You have to be happy for me. I know it's not what you were thinking, what with Edwin and all, but it happened." She squeals and jumps up and down, clapping her hands.

"Calm down and tell me what happened." I put away my stuff so I can focus on her.

"Ok. Are you ready?" She looks at me for confirmation, and I laugh.

"I'm ready. Tell me so I can be happy for you."

"He proposed." She squees again.

"Edwin?" I ask with a wrinkled brow. I set her up with a guy I knew from organic chemistry, but they hadn't done more than exchange a few texts.

"No, silly, Brett."

"Your high school boyfriend? I thought you were broken up?"

"We were."

"Didn't he dump you last year when you came here instead of getting a job at the local factory or whatnot?"

Ann-Marie nods. "We met up a few times over the summer and we've been texting a bit. He says he can't stand being away from me."

"Wait. Did he propose over the phone?"

"Yes. It was so romantic. He made a banner and got down on one knee and everything."

I stare at her for a heartbeat before I remember myself and plaster on a smile. All of last year, she kept talking about Brett, wondering what he was doing and if she had made a mistake. It had taken me over a year to convince her to even think about dating someone else. The girl had fallen hard.

"I'm so happy for you." I hug her tightly and try to mean the words.

"Me too. And the best part is that he wants me to move in with him straight away."

"What do you mean? Doesn't he live back in Kingville?"

She turns serious and grabs my hands. "Oh, Emma. I think I'm going to miss you most of all. But we both know UNI isn't for me. I've looked into some online classes and I think that's the better option for me."

"You're really leaving? When?"

"He's picking me up on Friday."

"Friday? This Friday? But that's only four days away."

"I know I'm so sorry to be springing this on you so suddenly, but we talked all night, and this is what we want to do. Are you mad?"

I sigh. "No, of course not. Do you think your uncle will let me stay here?"

"Oh, I'm sure. I'll talk to him." She winces. "You will have to cover my part of the rent, though. I can pitch in a bit for next month, but..."

"No, it's fine. I'll figure something out. Are you sure you don't want to finish the semester?"

She shakes her head. "This isn't what I want. I thought it was what was expected of me. But it's not me."

I nod. Ann-Marie has never fit in at UNI. She grew up in a small town, and couldn't understand how people could live in the same building and not know each other's names. She wanted to greet every person she saw and kept telling me about the pie festival and garden fair and all the silly things her town did to create a community.

Ann-Marie didn't like studying and panicked at the lack of direction her life had taken on. For me, graduating and looking for a job was an adventure I was looking forward to. For her, it was a dark abyss filled with nightmares. So when she said UNI wasn't for her, what she meant was that life outside of Kingville wasn't for her. She wanted a husband and children. She wanted a simple, safe job she could go to everyday, where she knew all her colleagues and everyone knew her.

I give her another hug. "I am so happy for you. Congratulations. Do you need any help packing?"

"I'm good. There's just so much I have to take care of. I have to change my classes and call the dean. And my mom wants me to pick a venue so she can book it."

"Did you already set a date?"

"This spring. I always wanted a spring wedding. Oh, Emma, you'll be a bridesmaid, right?"

"I'd be honored."


She withdraws to her room, and I turn back to my tablet. I scroll through the list again. Ann-Marie had promised to help with the talent show, but I supposed that was out of the question now.

I closed my eyes and thanked my lucky stars I pushed the others to get started early.

It's not that I wasn't happy for Ann-Marie. I was. But she left me not only with double my current rent, and fewer hands to help with the talent show, she had also become one of my closest friends during our first year together at UNI.

Despite our differences, we had somehow found each other and when she asked if I wanted to share an apartment with her this year; I was thrilled.

As she answers her phone in her room, I take a deep breath. I hear her muffled voice, and then she laughs. I rub my temples. She was crying over this man all last year and now she's happy. And all I can think is how this messes up my plans?

No. No, I'm happy for her. My best friend is getting married to the love of her life and I'm happy for her. I am.

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