Chapter 18 - Drunk and confused?

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I've barely fallen asleep, it feels like, when there's a rattling from the front door. My heart is pounding as someone struggles to get the door open. When it finally opens, it slams into the wall, and someone swears.

This is it. I throw back my comforter and take a deep breath. My hands shake as I tiptoe to my closet and grab the bat Noah got me. I carefully open my door. The apartment is dark and someone is stumbling and swearing. I leave my door open if I need to retreat quickly.

I can barely hear over the beating of my heart. But I grip the bat tighter and raise it over my shoulder as I quietly take one step after the other down the hallway.

The lights turn on, and I scream. I'm ready to clobber the men by the door. One of which is sitting on the floor, leaning against the door frame. I stop and stare.

"Jeez, Emma," Noah says. "Don't scare me like that." He sways slightly where he stands.

"What the fuck, Noah? Why are you sneaking around and scaring me? I thought you were intruders."

I lower the bat and place a hand to my heart to calm it down.

"I'm delivering this." He makes a deep bow at Knightley, who's still sitting, his head drooping.

"You got him drunk?"

"He did most of the drinking himself. I'll have you know. Most of it."

"What were you doing?" I've never seen Knightley this drunk. He's usually been the one to help Noah get home.

"We had a delayed new year's party. It was a success." He slurs the words and I just shake my head.

"You're an ass."

"I love you too. Well." He straightens up and pats the door. "My work here is done. I'm sure you can take it from here. And I don't think you'll need the bat."

I toss the bat on the couch. "How are you getting home? You're not driving, are you?"

"Nah, Julian is waiting downstairs. He's the DD tonight."

"And most nights, I bet." I grumble and place my fists on my hips. "Can he walk?"

"I can walk." Knightley raises an arm.

"See," Noah says. "He's fine. Good night, sis."

"Yeah. Whatever."

I use my feet to scooch Knightley out of the way so I can close the door.

"Come on," I say and grab his arm. "Let's get you to bed." I pull at him and he stumbles a bit before getting up.

In my bare feet, I can't help but think how much taller he is. My head barely reaches his shoulder.

"You're Emma."

"I know."

"Noah's sister. You're his sister. I like Noah. He's my best friend."

"I know. He's very lucky to have you." I place his arm over my shoulders and try to move him. He can barely keep his feet under him, and I put an arm around his waist to keep him upright. The hand he has on my shoulder is warm. I'm only wearing a strappy top and when his hand slips down and all I can think of is that I'm not wearing a bra.

"Let's move forward," I say.

"Ok." He takes one careful step at a time, and I steer him down the hallway and into his bedroom. After some angling, I get him sitting down on the bed.

"Let's take off those shoes," I say.

"Shoes. They're not shoes. You can't call them shoes."

"Why not?" I bend down in front of him.

"Because they're boots. See, they have laces."

"Shoes can have laces."


"Ok." I pull off his boots and toss them aside. "Now your coat. It needs to come off." As I stand in front of him, he puts his hands on my waist. My stomach leaps and my mouth goes dry. His hands are warm and strong. He leans forward, and his cheek is on my breast.

"You're nice." He mumbles.

"I know." I push him away and start tugging at his sleeves.

"You're beautiful."


"The most beautiful woman in the world."

My heart jumps to my throat at his words. "Thank you." I shake my head. "I think it's the beer goggles. And the fact that I'm the only woman here."

He finally lets me pull off his coat, but as I do, he leans forward on my chest again. His breath hits my nipple through the thin fabric, and I try to ignore how it hardens instantly.

I get the jacket off and toss it to the side.

For a moment, I study his pants. There is no way I can get those off.

"Lie down," I say instead and push him down on the bed. As he topples back, his hands reach around my waist and he hugs me, pulling me over him. His arms hold me in a vise.

"Knightley?" I push at his shoulders. "Knightley, you have to let me go." I try not to focus on his hard body under mine.

"Ok." He releases his grip and I stand. "You're a good friend, too." His lips turn down in a frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I lift his legs up on the bed.

"You're my friend."

"Yes." I try to push him further onto the bed so he won't roll over and fall out, but he's too heavy. "That's as good as I can get it. You should sleep now."

"Will you be here when I wake up?"

"Yes, I will." I scan the room and find a trash can. I place it next to the bed.

"That's good. Because I want to come home to you."

"You are home."

"All night, I wanted to come home to you. It's all I ever want to do."

I stare at him, my mouth hanging open as he snores gently. Did I hear him correctly? Did he just say he enjoys coming home to me? And why does that matter? It's the alcohol. It has to be. Alcohol makes you say silly things.

I pick up his coat and hang it on the back of an armchair. Then I find his shoes and put them aside. Boots. I smile. Not shoes, apparently.

I fetch a couple of bottles of water from the kitchen and place them, along with some painkillers, on his nightstand. He's snoring softly as I close the door and go back to bed.

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