Chapter 16 - Bad news and good reactions

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I'm back at the empty apartment tidying the kitchen for the fourth time. I messaged Hannah as soon as I got back and invited her over for a girls' night. The freezer is stocked with ice cream and cookie dough, and there's wine in the fridge. I don't know Hannah well enough to know how she'll react and what will make her feel better. But I've tried to cover all my bases.

I'm just about to wipe the microwave yet again when my phone buzzes. I rush over to where I lay it on the counter, thinking it's Hannah. But it's not, and my heart beats fast.

I'm thinking I want to go to Razino's.

It's Knightley.


Razino's. For my victory dinner. You can make the reservations.

He ends the text with a winkyface and I can't stop the smile.

I'll think about it.

I know the place. It's a family-owned restaurant that serves some of the best Italian foods. Sometimes, if you go there for lunch, the owner will put several tables together and his whole family will show up. Not just wife and kids, but uncles, cousins, grandparents. And they'll be laughing and talking loudly.

But at dinner, the atmosphere changes. It becomes calm and cozy. There's soft music playing and the servers speak in mellow voices and smile just enough to make you feel at ease. It's the perfect place for a romantic date.

I wait for a reply, but none comes, so I sigh at the microwave.

When the doorbell rings, I almost fly from the kitchen to open it.

"Hi," Hannah smiles happily and holds up a box. "I made lemon squares."

"I didn't know you bake," I say and close the door after her. I take the box and place it on the kitchen counter.

"It's a great way to save money," she says and removes her coat and shoes. She's brought a bag with her that she sets down by the door.

With a deep breath, I steel myself. "I have to talk to you," I say. I know I can't delay this any longer.

"Is something wrong?"

I gesture for her to sit by the small table in the dining area and take the seat opposite her.

"It's bad news." My mouth opens and closes as she watches me with large, curious eyes. "I don't know how to tell you this."

"Are you sick? Is it your family?"

"No. No, nothing like that. You know I invited Edwin to the Christmas party?"

Her nod is almost unnoticeable.

"Well, he thought it was something it wasn't. The only reason I offered him a ride and invited him was so that you two could get some time together. But of course I couldn't just leave him here when you got sick."

She looks so innocent. So calm.

"Anyway. He... He came on to me." I hold my breath, but she's just staring at me, so I continue. "After the party, I drove him home, and in the car he said that he's basically in love with me. I told him no," I rush to add. "Oh, Hannah. I'm so sorry. I never should have pushed you towards him, and now I've hurt you and I never wanted for that to happen."

Hannah nods and stands. She turns to the living room. Takes two steps and stops. Then she faces the kitchen, then me.

"Are you very upset?" I ask quietly.

"So, he doesn't like me?" Her voice is so weak and broken.

Shaking my head, I try to keep my tears from breaking loose. "I'm so sorry."

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