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You took a deep breath and slowly opened your eyes trembling while Dean was worried holding you by the shoulders, pupils wide, "De- dean, I can't see y-you." Your hands tightened on Dean's arms and a single tear fell from your left eye, you were helpless.

. . .

"Sam! Saaam!,.." long firm steps echoed through the library with Dean carrying you bridal.

Sam looked up from the book he was reading, raising his eyebrows at the scene in front of him, "Is everything okay?!"

Dean carefully put you on a chair. You like a scared child you were, you didn't want to be left alone, so while he put you down your grip tightened on his hands like he's going to run away. Dean's thumb rubbed circles on your knuckle,"it's okay. I'm here" he said softly, with that you loosened your grip and held onto the library table instead panicked. Dean observing you and replied to Sam," I don't know, Sammy. Y/N .. she's --" but you interrupted "I can't s-see, Sam." Sam frowned looking at both of you "what?!".

. . . .

The first week:

With a lot of researching you all knew that's a spell being done to you in your last witch hunt.
You all contacted Cas' and Rowena who started to look for a way to break the spell saying it's a strong one so you, Sam and Dean started researching again.

The second week:

Dean stepped into the library finding Sam scanning a book for a reversing spell. Sam looked up when he sensed Dean.
"How's she holding up?"

Dean sighed. " I don't know, Sammy"
" I shouldn't've taken her to that hunt."

"Dean, how many times do I have to tell you, it's not your fault, plus y/n is a hunter too she's not exactly a newbie here."

"Yeah..but still.. she's just a kid"

"No, Dean, y/n is not a kid. She's a grown up woman and she can make her own decisions. Yeah, she's young but she's wise and surely she's not reckless. It's just.. it happens and she's gonna be okay, I know that."

Dean sighed and dragged a chair to sit across Sam.

"You think we should tell Jody?" Sam asked.

"Noo!, I mean she would kill us if she knew"

"So what you're saying?"

"Maybe we can wait a little until we figure out how to tell her or maybe we find a way till then, we don't know."

" Yeah, Dean, but we need to figure it out fast before Jody calls."

"Yeah, I hope we do."

. . . .

The third week:

You started to figure out a little how to walk around the bunker without tripping over something. You no longer get confused among Sam's and Dean's rooms and which one is yours. Sam and Dean were surprised that you're adjusting pretty fast on the new condition but you told them that you're a big girl and you will rely on yourself in walking also figuring things on your own even though you hated your current condition.

You always texted Jody and the girls with Sam and Dean's help, you told them you're fine. You didn't tell Jody about your sudden blindness because she would panic and you don't want her to worry till you figure it out with the boys.

On the other hand the girls knew your condition because you couldn't keep it from them but you made them promise not to tell Jody.

The 23rd Day.

It was a Tuesday when you felt like you wanted a refreshment of all the bad thoughts that clouded your mind at the moment, so you decided to shower and not like every time when any of the girls would help you wash your body. You wanted to do the work yourself, so you stepped out of your room and headed to the library where the boys were sitting researching. " Hello, boys!"

The two men turned their heads with a surprised look on their faces that your mood is lightened than any other day since your condition.

You slowly walked in sensing the wall and reaching anything on your way to guide you to the library table. Both boys standed and of course Dean was the first to reach to you. " It's fine, Dean. I can walk, you know." , "Well, I can't let you" you rolled your eyes at that, saying: " you're such a teddy bear" then smiled.
"Yeah, whatever" and still Dean been guiding you to sit while Sam gave you both a side smile at your interaction with each other and how his big brother became so protective of you. Once you're seated, they followed.
" Found anything?" you asked curious.
Sam turned his attention once again to his laptop screen " well, I found a shortcut spell that lasts for only two days or sth ,so still nothing." Sam sighed while Dean pursed his lips in a thin line but you continued, " what about Cas' and Rowena?" , " I've just called them, still no clue." Sam replied.

" Great." You sighed disappointed but
Dean startled you " Hey, heyy! we're gonna find a way. Sam's just started, right Sammy?". "Ye--" Sam started but you interrupted, " Right. It's been a month" you mocked, but you continued "sorry guys, I know you're doing your best. I just lose it sometimes." Dean sighed while Sam was lost and didn't know what to do. Dean in the meanwhile looked at you and said: "listen to me, you're gonna see again. I promise you even if it's the last thing I'd do, you understand?" still intensely looking into your eyes.

Your eyes were glistening but no tear fell. You reached out for Dean's hand on the table which was nearer to your hand than you thought and held tightly. Dean tensed up looking at your hand on his like a lost kid then back up quickly into your eyes like you could catch him. You interrupted Dean's thoughts with an emotional filled voice, "and I trust you, Dean." Dean blinked a few times not registering the honest chick flick moment right here. At this moment that lasted you turned to Sam and with your other hand searching on the table to reach for his hand too which he easily extended to yours and you said " I trust both of you." You smiled sadly. After a minute of silence you scrunched up your nose "God, that was sticky, I think I'm certain now that I need a shower." At that all of you burst laughing at your statement.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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