turning black

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At the bunker..

Both of you didn't talk about what  happened in the bar but that didn't stop you from thinking about that kiss, just once you entered the bunker you didn't look back taking big fast steps to your room passing Sam that was sitting reading in some old book you didn't even notice it's color, you were too focused on running that you didn't hear the faint whisper "Y/n.." from Dean after you, he sighed and looked down to his feet.

Sam frowned watching the whole scene in front of him "W-what was that?..

Dean looked up to Sam then sighed again.."I...some douchebags were tracking her and I dealt with it" Dean said half angry half disappointed.

Sam deepened his frown "then what's wrong with you two?"

"I think I've dealt with it the wrong way.."

"Like how?.."

"I did something I shouldn't 've done"

*In your room..
After changing to your pajamas you lay on the bed thinking about that damn kiss you feel your heart beating still hadn't slowed down though the kiss was a while ago.. you didn't know what to think..if what happened was wrong!..right?..or how you felt when it happened and still feel...you couldn't find sleep after what happened but for some reason sleep just knocked up your consciousness..

*Next morning.. in the library:

"She still hadn't come out of her room since yesterday.. it's all because of me!!" Dean pressed loudly..

"Maybe she's still sleeping, Dean. Relax.."

"No Sam, Y/n don't sleep that long it's 12:30 ,man. Come on, you know her"

Sam smiled at his brother concern about Y/n giving him an amused look.

"Wha- .. seriously?! What's that look for?
What's so thrilling about this?!"

"You just look like a big sensitive protective worried teddy bear" saying still smiling but Dean gave him his best bitch face.

Sam proceeding " you know it's just a kiss , good news: it won't kill her.."

But Dean interrupted " but bad news that Y/n will hate me ..forever.. God I should've.."

"You know what? Enough with Dean Winchester drama.. I think you should talk to her.. get it off of your mind"

"And say what exactly??"

"Well, for starters apologize ,or maybe tell her how you feel about her" Sam changing his tone in the last phrase.

Dean scoffed but Sam cutting "seriously Dean.. I mean of course I know that Y/n and us are two different generations but still doesn't change the fact that it might works though our lifestyle, needless to say how she talks about you" Sam said smirking the last part.

Dean frowning "what you mean 'how she talks about me'??"

"Well she's always telling me about you seem rough, solid and cocky from the outside but at the same time soft,selfless and a real one if he's given a chance"

"Sh-she told you that?" Dean asked surprised.

"Well, maybe you should ask her.." Sam said giving him a wicked smile standing to head to get a book to start the day with leaving the wheels in Dean's head to turn..

*At your room

You woke up stretching rubbing your eyes gently and opening them but Instead of your normal blanket..just black ..you just rubbed your eyes again..black.... rubbing again..again and again it ended the same...just black , you start to panic that you didn't realize the soft knocking on the door or the soft deep calling for your name behind it.

*Outside your room door..

Dean headed to your room .. he wanted to apologize for what he did and simply wanted to explain himself to you.

He knocked on your door but their was no answer..so he knocked again calling your name "Y/n..Are you awake" but still no response..and that was enough to make him worried so he opened the door slowly...seeing you with your back to the door .. he smiled spontaneously feeling relieved that you hadn't run from the bunker yet because of him, but when he approached you .. he saw your widened eyes and that weighs back on his shoulders... "Y/n!" He said which made you jump at his voice as you didn't feel him enter your room and all you see is black so.. "Dean?.." and your eyes searching helplessly for the source of his voice.

Dean frowned deeply.."what's wrong?!" He said worried and a little hurt that you don't look him in the eyes.

"Dean..I ..is that you?? A-am I dead? Are you a demon.. D-djinn?!!.. just tell me what's going ooonn!!!..p-please.. I can't.. I can't se.. I don't see.. is that a-a dreeeaam?! Where aam i-I?!..." You start to stand panicking but Dean stopped you holding your arms
"Whoa whoa.. slow down! Yes,I'm Dean. What's happening ?! What do you mean you don't see?!"

Your palms hold his arms tightly to make sure he's real..tears start falling on your cheeks... "D-Dean... Dean I don't know.. I don't know what's happening , I can't see you.. I can't see anything.. it's black... i-I rubbed my eyes ... It didn't...oh my god.. no.n-n-noo.. this is not .."

"Well, CALM DOWN!! DAMMIT!..just close your eyes...take a Deep breath..and another one" still holding your shoulders..you start to follow his leading voice slowly..

*It's short I know but it's been a while*
If interested in more parts just let me know in the comments❤️

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