Vareya hummed softly as she sharpened her hunting knife. In the safety of her own hut built away from the rest of the clan. There was nothing she was missing out on by not being placed beside the ocean like the rest of her family. She was still capable of enjoying the ocean breeze, the oceans wildlife a distant rhythm along with her humming, and she can enjoy it with no interruptions.
It's not like she truly belonged in the clan anyway. Vareya is the only outcast in her clan, the mysterious Na'vi that no one knows where she truly came from. A half breed. Half Metkayina because of her father, unknown for the other half.
Vareya's skin was a mix of what her people say is not quite metkayina blue, but mixed with something else. Her tail was thin as one from the forest, yet her forearms were only slightly wider. Her eyes were nothing from her fathers side, large yet narrow, and a violet so deadly her family says Eywa has bestowed a grand gift upon Vareya.
Her eyes especially more vibrant due to her powdered hair. ' Brighter than the whitest pearl'. Her uncle constantly reminded her. Oh how she loathed it.
Loathed the fact she couldn't belong anywhere or never truly learn what she is.
Her entire life she's lived like this and she's come to the conclusion that she'll never accept herself. Never accept her appearance, nobody else does anyway.
That's a lie. Somebody did, once. Somebody accepted her for who she was, no fear, not for laughs, but pure love. Then she-
Her thoughts were cut off by the sounds of flapping wings and the horn being blown to alert the clan of incomers.
Vareya leapt up, looking out from the clearing of her very own Mauri. It was set farther into the island, not right on shore like the rest of the clan.
This location gave her isolation and a clear view over the village and beyond the reef. That's where she could see it.
Vareya pointed out five dark figures in flight above the oceans surface. Even from a distance there was no mistaking the size and threat of these creatures, the riders on them were what was in question.
Her nose flared as they made their landing on the island. She usually wouldn't meddle in the affairs of her clan, yet this was something she couldn't miss.
Her hunting knife secured, she made her way down.
~~~~The entire clan was gathered on shore to see the travelers. Conversation was already erupting between the clans leaders, Olo'eyktan Tonowari and Tsahìk Ronal, and who seemed to be the parents of one odd looking family.
Just a few minutes earlier, Vareya was heading down to greet the intruders with narrowed eyes, barred teeth, and her knife gripped tightly in her hand.
Yet now she's hidden behind a mangrove, jaw slack in shock, and her eyes darting between herself and the Na'vi only feet away from her.
They were not Metkayina, their skins were a darker shade, one that she'd dare say was the missing half of hers? Their limbs were slim, just like her arms, and their tails....identical.
The eyes, hair style, everything was so similar yet so different. She suddenly had the urge to run up to them and demand answers from them, what exactly? She wasn't quite sure herself.
"We can adapt! We will learn your ways, right everyone?" the older male shouted, looking around desperately at his family, they nodded slowly, "Just please, we need a place to reside.."
" I think you mean a place to run and hide with your tails between your legs." Vareya shouted, making her presence known.
The surprise from everyone was clear, but it dispersed soon as they all began to mutter between themselves in fear.

Ma Neteyam
FanfictionEnemies to Lovers Neteyam story... NETEYAMx OC...just give it a try trust me😋 Forgive me if I get languages incorrect, some scenes don't make sense, or if the dialogue isn't absolute perfection. I do have access to ATWOW but I may change, add, or r...