" Ow...ow....- -ak- stop that it hurts!"" Quit whining like a child and stay still."
" Funny you should say that when just this morning it was you acting like one."
Vareya applied more of the bark onto Neteyams cut, causing him to wince and send a low hiss her way. She stayed completely unfazed.
" Relax prrnen, I'm using yalna." she said plainly.
" You're using yalna? Isn't that supposed to sting less?" he said, remembering what his sister had told his grandmother after the accident back home. Yet he flinched again when she applied the treatment to the cut on his lip.
" Exactly, so the fact that you can't handle simple medicine like this shows just how weak you really are."
Neteyam went to look away but Vareya wouldn't let him. Instead, she roughly grabbed his face to turn it back her way, allowing her to examine him throughly for any more wounds she may have missed.
And although she was only holding him with one hand, her grip was strong, he couldn't move his head even if he wanted too. So when a satisfied expression flashed across her face, Vareya finally let go of him.
" All done prrnen." she hummed as she stood to make her way towards her collection of baskets. Tidying up all the materials she had used to mend up Neteyam.
" Stop calling me that. You're making me regret coming here..." he said lowly.
She didn't look at him, only carried on busying herself with arranging her things. " Really? How so?"
" For one, I've felt more pain here than during the actual fight-"
" Prrnen." she purred.
" And second-" he said louder, cutting her off. " I expected some kind of teasing and ridiculing from you but it seemed that I have doubted my skill of patience to handle this amount."
Finally, she turned to face him. Twisting on her toes in a liquid smooth motion, then flashing him a mischievous smile that made his skin crawl.
" Oh no, we haven't even gotten to the best part. In fact, the real ridiculing hasn't even begun."
He sighed defeatedly, " Fine then, just get it over with already."
Taking a seat in front of him, she began her questions. " Perfect soldier boy not as perfect as one may think?"
" I never said I was perfect."
" Really? Because your high self esteem will make anyone think otherwise."
With a roll of his eyes he answered, " Just continue."
" How fun. Who started it?"
" Your cousin and his friends. They were picking on my sister, I had to defend her."
" In such a noble way too."
He pointed a finger at her, " Hey that wasn't my choice. I had handled everything perfectly fine through communication. It was Lo'ak who started the fist fight."
" And of course big brother had to jump in."
" What did you expect me to do? Stand back and watch those bullies hurt my siblings? Besides, it wasn't so bad getting a few hits on those guys." he added, smirking at the memory.
" Ooo, it has a temper."
" Your one to talk."
" I'm not the one who beats up a bunch of Na'vis for fun."

Ma Neteyam
FanfictionEnemies to Lovers Neteyam story... NETEYAMx OC...just give it a try trust me😋 Forgive me if I get languages incorrect, some scenes don't make sense, or if the dialogue isn't absolute perfection. I do have access to ATWOW but I may change, add, or r...