Vareya doesn't think she's ever felt more annoyed than she has in the past 4 days. Nor has she regretted saying something more in her life than she has at this very moment.The one question that has been running through her mind is what could she have possibly been thinking when she said she'd join them during these lousy group sessions.
Not even taking a second to comprehend exactly what she was agreeing to before spewing nonsense so freely.
To calm herself down, she's been trying to convince herself that it was for Neteyams sake, her friend. Yet that does the exact opposite of calm her down, it makes the situation worse especially because of the fact that he's hardly looked at her longer than a few seconds these days.
And that's all because of Mónas doing. It seems that everyone except for Neteyam is seeing that she is doing everything in her power to keep him away from her.
Whether that's asking him for unnecessary help, lying by saying someone else is calling for him, or claiming she needs to show him something, he's always with that fish girl.
Not only that, they haven't even had time to have private trainings anymore, which had her even more irritated. This all felt like a waste of time and useless stress.
" Hey Neteyam, come over here there's a coral I've yet to tell you about." Móna once again called for him, and being the good boy he was, he complied.
Vareya rolled her eyes, feeling anger well up in her chest at the site of her smiling widely at him. Standing so close. Laughing at something he said.
She turned on her heels, not being able to stand the sight for a moment longer, but was stopped abruptly by Kiri standing right behind her.
She wasn't sure how long she was there for, she was quiet and Vareya was too distracted. But it was obvious they were both looking at the same thing.
" They've been quite busy these past few days." Neteyams sister reminded her by stating the obvious.
Vareya didn't even want to look back at the pair she was referring to, " It seems so." she answered coldly.
Not that she intended to reply that way, if anything Kiri has been the person that's annoyed her the least if at all. But her annoyance has seemed to be spilling over head.
" He's not the same as when he's with you, you do realize that, right?"
Vareya narrowed her eyes, " I don't understand."
Kiri's only reaction was a chuckle, " I mean, don't worry about her. Just in the snippets I've seen you guys together, I've never seen my brother look at anyone like the way he looks at you."
Vareyas face suddenly felt extremely heated, " I have no idea what you're talking about, neither do I care!" she said in a huff.
Once again, Kiri only chuckled at her reaction, " I'm beginning to see why he likes you so much."
" And I'm starting to believe you're highly confused."
" Say what you want, I tend to read situations very, very well." the second oldest Sully said, smiling at her.
" So I see stubbornness is a trait shared among all the Sully's?" Vareya smirked, tilting her head.
" Some more than others, and if you've yet to notice, you picked one pretty high up in the rankings."
Vareya let out a low raspy chuckle at that, " Picked isn't exactly the word I'd use. But I will have to agree, Eywa knew what she was doing when she sent him my way. Perhaps it was his stubbornness that convinced a freak like me to come out for once."

Ma Neteyam
FanfictionEnemies to Lovers Neteyam story... NETEYAMx OC...just give it a try trust me😋 Forgive me if I get languages incorrect, some scenes don't make sense, or if the dialogue isn't absolute perfection. I do have access to ATWOW but I may change, add, or r...