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7 years ago...

Vareyas eyes snapped open, and the first thing she felt was pain. It made her scream out, although it came out more of a squeaky gasp.

Her throat burned, her head pounded, her body ached. It was something she has never experienced before, something so bad she thought that she was dead, or would be if she so much as tried to lift a finger.

But when she felt a warm hand covering her own, squeezing gently, she managed to focus her vision enough to evaluate her surroundings.

There was something burning to her right, and when she picked up a crackle then pop noise, she came to the conclusion that it was a small fire. Creating an orange and eerie illumination in the dark space she was in.

Above her, she could see the hint of smoke that didn't escape through the opening, lingering on the fabricated roof of the Marui. Meaning that she was laying face up, on something comfortable, thank goodness.

Her nose twitched on it's own, the strong set of cooked fish overcoming her scent. And something else mixed with it. Crushed Ar'lek seeds, she finally figured out. Yuck, Vareya inwardly gagged.

And although she was practically paralyzed, she pushed through the pain and turned her head to the left. Where a figure sitting close spoke softly to her, the one holding her hand, and a larger figure stood behind him.

" It's okay Reya, you're safe." Kai smiled at her, it didn't reach his eyes though.

While his lips displayed a picture of happiness and light, his eyes told a different story. They were somehow filled with worry and relief at the same time, as well as sadness and anger. For what...perhaps she was about to find out.

" You skxawng, I told you not to push yourself. I thought I lost you snaytu."

She groaned unintentionally before she managed to answer him with words, " I- I told you I'd be f-fine."

Vareya would've laughed at herself if the task didn't sound so exhausting. Because she sounded ridiculous. Claiming she was fine when she obviously was not, just answering him her voice was unrecognizable. Gruff, scratchy, and cracked.

Kai immediately stood after that, rushing to grab a bowl of water and helping her drink. Or at least she had hoped it was water, and oh how wrong she was.

She had gladly accepted it, taking large gulps. Yet as soon as the liquid touched her tongue, it was warm, and strong, and absolutely distasteful.

But Kai was merciless, tilting the cup until she had swallowed all its contents. When she had finished, she couldn't help but gag. The bitter taste still stuck in her mouth.

But before she could tell Kai off, a deep voice, this one strong, natural, and intimidating, not embarrassing like hers, spoke first.

" That will help you heal faster Vareya, do not think of spitting it out." Her uncle, Tonawari, came into sight.

His face was set in a neutral expression, but the way the sides of his lips tilted downwards showed how he was not happy. Especially under the illumination of the fire, it made him look even more upset, which made her feel more uncomfortable.

" Uncle-"

" Kai, you did good today by coming to me the moment Vareya needed help. But right now I need to speak to my niece... alone."

Neither of them missed his tone of voice and the pointedness in his sentence, she was definitely in trouble now. And of course, even if Kai wanted to stay, there was no chance he could ever disrespect his Chief. The olo'eyktan of the Metkayina Clan.

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