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" C'mon Móna, you don't have to deny it. We all trust each other here- well, except you. We don't like you." Lo'ak said pointing a finger at an annoyed Aonung, who merely rolled his eyes after being presumably ordered to come back with them by his Father.

Móna answered uncomfortably, " I am telling the truth, I've only just met Neteyam. This is our second time meeting, we haven't gone anywhere together." she said honestly, trying to get Neteyams skwang of a brother to believe her.

What she doesn't know is that it's difficult to prove to Lo'ak that he's wrong, because he'll want to do anything but admit something like that. For example now, taking measures of practically harassing this poor girl he just met.

Grabbing her shoulders, staring at her with wide desperate eyes, urging her to spill secrets that are nonexistent. This whole thing is nonsense, but luckily he waited until after their session to bother Neteyam and Móna with questions of what he's sure everyone else was curious about.

On another note, Neteyams planned deemed successful. Móna stuck true to her promise, subtly helping Tuk out the most more privately. Taking her time showing her the small mistakes his youngest sister was making, and then correcting them.

Tuks beaming smile at her achievement and Mónas compliments were almost enough to wash out the teasing. Almost.

Because as soon as Tsireya called it a day, Lo'ak just about jumped on Móna, bombarding her for answers to his seemingly never ending questions.

And on any other day where Neteyam would love to wait and prove that Lo'ak is wrong, he doesn't have time to play childish games. Eclipse seemed to be nearing, the sun not bearing with him and lowering at a ghastly pace, or that's what it felt like.

Vareya made herself very clear, that any small mistake Neteyam made, she'd made sure to keep him away from her. He needed to be on time, every second counted, there was no more time left to waste.

Carefully grabbing Móna by her shoulder, he separated, and saved, her from Lo'aks nagging.

" That's enough baby brother, bother me all you want but leave Móna out of it. She has nothing to do with this."

Lo'ak went to speak but Kiri beat him too it, " Then what is it Neteyam? Where have you been going all these times you've disappeared from us?"

His sister sounded more worried than curious compared to Lo'ak, and a wave of guilt washed over him. It wasn't that Neteyam was doing anything wrong, or at least he thought. If it wasn't for Vareya, he definitely would've explained what he was doing.

Or at least he thinks so. But then if they were asking and nagging him this much over Móna who is somone known in the village, he could only imagine what they'd do if they discovered who he snuck off to see. Someone not even her own cousins dare to disturb.

He shook his head, enough with those thoughts. In the end, no matter what Vareya would've wanted, Neteyam would have never told his family. It would've been the same, the lying, the exhilaration of sneaking around, the irresponsibility, all of it the same.

For example now, he's clenching and unclenching his fists, anxiety running through his body as he quickly tried to find a reasonable excuse to leave the group again. Wiya, how is he going to keep this up?

" It's nothing for you to worry about because the truth is ..." all eyes turned their attention on him, eyes perched and ready to learn the answer. Even Aonung, who tried to act uninterested, took a step closer to the group so he can listen in.

And under all of their expecting gazes, he realized he should've thought this through a bit better.

" Is?" Tuk asked from beside him, eyes gleaming.

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