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The writers block got to me, I found myself doing household chores, on a loop, folding and then refolding the laundry. It's not even my job to do the laundry. I needed a change of scenery.

So now I find myself sitting in the coffee shop down the street, alone, sipping on a chai and tapping the table with my pencil. I looked up from the notebook sat in front of me and my eyes locked with someone else's.

Amelia Reinhart, I knew her, well, not really. No one really knew Amelia but they knew of her. Everyone called her a witch from the time we were kids, but I thought she was just a little gothic. She held my gaze for longer than I anticipated and in my discomfort I looked away from her, but was hit with a sudden inspiration, and wrote in my little notebook of a life far more eventful than mine.

'Miles was the smell before the rain, he was the blood that ran through my veins.'

I sighed in frustration, the story has no bang, there is no dramatic plot twist, no potential love interest. I wasn't writing a simple story anymore, I was writing an illusion. I was creating the perfect boy, a boy I wanted to wake up to in the morning, a boy I wanted to hold in my arms, I was creating something I desired. I realised something that made my stomach churn and my skin crawl. I had feelings for Miles.

I felt something far from platonic for this fictional character. "He isn't even real." I said to myself as I ran a hand through my hair. "How can I have feelings for someone who is only a figment of my imagination?" I quickly finished my hot beverage, gathering my things and hastily leaving the small coffee shop. I needed to clear my head, but most of all, I really needed a nap.

I made it home quickly and trudged up the stairs, ignoring the greetings and questioning glances from my family. As soon as I closed my bedroom door I leaned against it and let out a shaky breath. "What are you doing Jasper?" I asked myself, "You're a freak." I stripped myself of all of my clothes, I felt disgusting in my own skin, and laid in my bed, completely naked.

"I wish he was real," I whispered into the air. "I wish Miles was real."

And then I felt myself fall asleep.

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