𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕩 ℙ𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕥💜💚

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Hello everybody!I'm sorry if the story comes out slow.I'm working on 2 stories rn so I'm not able to do them everytime.I'm still really upset about the earthquake happened in Turkiye because three of my relatives are badly injured.Thank you for your time <33

Another day with the stick figures.Everyone's minding their own business.Red and Blue were gardening,Yellow was in his office,Second sleeping,Mango watching TV and Green in his room trying out new notes.

Green POV:
This is bangers!I'll write this down for sure.But I need a laptop first to compose it.Hmmm.Oh~ Yel had one!I can go to his office and borrow it for a bit.He wouldn't mind it I guess.If he says no,I'll just ask for Purple's.Can't wait!!

Green stands from his bed and walks over to the door.He starts whistling on his way to the first floor:Yellow's room,or his office.He goes downstairs and he knocks on the door.
*knock knock*
"Come in!"Yellow smiles.Green walks into Yellow's room and sits next to him.
"What's up Yel?Whatcha working on?"Green asks.Yellow opens his drawr,he gets some blueprint papers and puts them down to his desk.Green's also great at building so he knows what a blueprint is.
"You see..."Yellow starts and continues to talk about his designs,commands and codes.
"...And that's it!So how's the idea?"
"Fire!You should definetly finish this up!This will be awesome Yel!"
"Thanks Green.Now,what do you want?"
Green stands and points to the laptop on Yellow's desk:
"Your laptop,can I have it for a bit maybe?I have another song to write down"Green asks.But Yellow doesn't seem fine with it.He looks to his laptop and Green right after.
"I know you need it Green.But I have to finish this up first."
Green looks at the laptop and he looks down.
"Oh k.See you later i guess Yel!"he looks at Yellow and he giggles.Green walks up to the door,opens it and closes right after.

"Now I gotta ask Purple."
Green walked to upstairs,floor 4.He was usually in his room.Or when he's not,he's probably with his father,Mango.Green knocked to the door and Purple opened.
"Yo Purple!I was gonna- Holy sh*t your eyes look messy!"
"Don't worry I'm okay,really!What did you wanted to say?"
"No,no Purple.You're not okay.Is something bothering you?"Green asked and he wore off his headphones,put them down.He sat to Purple's bed and he asked for him to sit.Eventually Purple sat right next to him.
"Are you okay?You look like somethings bothering you.Is someone making you uncomfortable?Is it Mango?Or-
"No Green,no.I said I'm okay."Purple looked down to the floor.He suddenly felt warmness in his hands.
"You really know that you can tell me anything right?"
Purple got triggered by that words.Tell anything.Purple hugged Green and he started:
"I wish I could see my mom again!I'm the reason she's dead!If I would've accept my father,my mom would be alive right now!"
Green hugged him back:
"Don't ever think like that!It was your fathers fault!I'm going to kill him if he ever-"
"Calm down.Don't worry about me.."he stopped hugging and looked to Green.
"Purple,please don't think like that ever again!I worry about you so much ya know!"
Purple putted(?) his head to Green's shoulder and closed his eyes:
"If you say so.."
Purple looked asleep when Green looked to him.He gently grabbed Purple and put it to his bed properly.He closed the lights,and gave a little head kiss to him.
"Mango isn't here right?He could kill me If he saw I kissed him bruh-But I need to tell him this.Without...him worrying...too much.
Time Skip
Green explained what happened and Mango listened carefully.It was for sure about his precious son.Even if they had problems in the past,Mango cares about Purple.Mango sat there for about 2 minutes looking to Green with a dull face.No emotion at all.Then he started to think about a solution.Green layed down to the floor while Mango was thinking.
"I'll go talk to him.But we can suprise him with something."
"Oh,oh!That's a great idea!But what can cheer him up?"
"I know something perfect."
"And don't touch my son."Mango literally gave a death stare and Green looked pretty terrified.
"In the name of God,Jesus,Alan bruh!Why couldn't he choose someone who doesn't give a death stare-"he thought.


Okay this was something messy I could tell BUT-BUT I enjoyed this :D And If you're wondering what Mango gave to him after that day it's
Yes,telescope!!!I think Purple would like astrology- He gives that kind of vibes- You can also see that in my "Crashing" story,Purple's info :)

Thanks for your request 😘

웃彡 ❝𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔❞Where stories live. Discover now