𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖!𝔹𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕩 𝕐𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨💛💙

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Hello hello!This was requested by ShellyShell6 (i think..?)
So quick note i do not really know what yandere mean so we gotta go with my ✨ knowledge ✨
. . .★
Blue was busy with mixing and trying new potions in his room.It was really quiet today.No Green screaming,Red knocking on the door nonstop or Second snoring loudly.But it was oddly quiet.Maybe they were out from the house,maybe.Blue needed to see what was going on.

He leaned to his front window,it was looking to the farm that they share.Blue now knew what was going on,Red was with Yellow today,they were feeding the sheeps.(Blue will go she/her in this AU <3)She forgot that Second and Green went to pay a visit to Mango's house,it wasn't for Mango mostly though.Green wanted to see Purple yet again while Second and Mango probably chatting on the couch.

Blue loved Yellow with all of her heart.She wasn't letting anyone getting near him.Yellow didn't really seem to show too much interest on Blue,but still she was ao attached to Yellow.Now Red was trying to get Yellow.No,Blue couldn't let that happen.She needed to do something.She looked to the table that she was just studying,a potion was sitting there.It wasn't just any potion,it was made from some dangerous chemicals.She looked at the poison and didn't hesitate to grab a glass.She put the poison to the glass but it was looking oddly weird with its greenish color.She decided to grab some orange dye.She put a o lot of literal dye inside it and now it was looking like Red's favourite,juice.Now everything was ready,just some acting would be fine.

After a few minutes,Red came to the kitchen.Now it was time to make a move.He went to downstairs quickly without Red realizing and she waved:
"Hey Red!What were you doing?You look a bit exhausted."she giggled.
"Hah,yeah.We were doing somethings with Yellow.Now I'm gonna get some water and Yellow's just resting outside.I don't think he's resting cuz he just said he'll get his laptop."Red explained.Blue looked outside and Red was right.Now it was her time to shine.
"You know Red?I just made some juice,if you want to of course!"
"Oooh what a coincidence!I love the drinks that you do!"
"Here,there was already a glass here,hope you like it!"he giggled,but that giggle was a bit off.
"Sure!"Red didn't seem to care.He grabbed the glass and drank it fully.
"Blue?What did you add this differently..?"
"Oh nothing,just some more ginger, that's all!"
"Okay,thanks for the juice."Red closed the door.
But that was the last door he closed.

웃彡 ❝𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔❞Where stories live. Discover now