ℙ𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕠𝕝𝕕🟨🟪

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A day in MT's house.They already had breakfast and they were both in the living room.MT was talking about things while Purple were sitting with him.
"So like that,I finally went to there!"
"You showed him who's the boss!"
"Of course I did!He would have hurten Gold-"
Mango stopped.
"Gold?Who is Gold?"
Mango opened his mouth,he stutterred and he shutted his mouth.He wasn't supposed to say it.Now all the memories came to his head.Gold...
"Father,are you okay?"
No response.Mango was struggling to tell him all of that..He though for a bit and he took a deep breath:
"Gold was my...son.."
Purple looked to his father and he got suprised.He had a son?Why didn't he tell it sooner?The questions got him.
"You have a son..?"Purple looked concerned.
"I don't want to talk about it."Mango standed up and went to upstairs.To his sons room,Gold.It was jut left like that,he didn't even made a single change.It was locked the most of the time.There were some of Gold's photos,some of her mother,his father and some more.3 drawers were sitting together.It was a little dusty inside.There were his toys,legos and his plushes.There was a closet next to it.It was full of trousers.He liked them a lot.There were bees sewed on them.White made it just for him.Mango kept looking around.Some coloring books were in Gold's desk.There were some colored pencils too.Gold had his name written on his books.The bed was just in the left of the desk.Mango sat on there and he looked to Gold's picture,couldn't hold his tears back.He did really miss his son.He did all of the chaos for him,nothing worked.He looked for a solution for months,worked hard to get him back.Some stupid kids stopped them from saving his son.And now his servant is his son.His wife was already gone long time ago,they didn't had the best relationship between too.
*knock knock*
Purple came in and he sat near Mango.His father was crying silently and that wasn't normal at all.Purple wanted to say something,but he didn't.He looked at his father's hands.It was wet and he was holding a picture.It was his son,Gold.He was enjoying his time with the park.He had the bee trousers he loved on him.Mango was laying on the tree watching him behind the corner.Gold looked like a joyful kid.
Purple looked at his father.He didn't know where his son was or anything about him.He decided to check around the room.Mango wasn't paying attention too so it was Purple's chance.

He saw the family pictures.A white lady,his father and his son.Gold looked pretty happy while White wasn't really happy with the moment,she looked really tired too.Purple was really confused,why didn't MT tell anything about his family?He looked at the closet,drawers and the desk.
Purple💭:He really liked bees huh?
Mango put the picture back to its place,he looked to his new adopted son,Purple.Purple looked at him back and smiled:
"You can tell me after,dad.No need to rush it."Purple left the room.

Mango was there,alone again.He stood up and he cleaned the dust off some minutes.After that,he locked the room again and he went to living room.Purple was sitting, probably chatting with the CG.He closed the phone and he looked at his father that sat to the couch.

"Gold was my only son I had.I lost him a while ago."
Now that made sense.Gold was dead.But why.?
"Could you tell me what happened if you're okay with it?"
"Gold loved playing games.We were in a game festival that day.He met Minecraft that day.He fell in love with it and he went over to its stand.I catched up with him.

G:"Dad,dad!Please,this looks so cool!Can we go see it?I wanna be in Minecraft!!
M:"In Minecraft?Gold what are you-"
The stand owner showed him a paper.
"Hello sir,you can sign in here if you want to,the first try is free!"
"Is it dangerous?I don't trust you idiots that didn't go to school."
"No sir,you are not correct!We are educated,and we made a beta to test out,our test was successful,so you can try it without doubts!"
Mango signed in and Gold flashed to inside.There was a glass cabinet with a door.Some people were doing things with a computer.
"Hello little guy,welcome!Please head in to the cabinet you see.We will teleport you inside."
"You can watch your son from the television there."
"Okay sure,go son!"
"Okay dad!Im so excited!"
Gold went inside and the door closed.
"Ooooo dad!Look at me im inside!"
"Yes honey,I can see you there!"
One of the sticks pulled the lever down.Some white and black glitches around and Gold was in.
"LOOK AT ME DAD!IM HERE!!"Gold waved.
Mango giggled.Gold was happily playing his game.He collected wood,stone,iron and made a sword.
*alarm noises*
Gold clicked save and exit and he ran towards the door.

"And he died there,just like that.I killed the guys over there,that's not the thing.But after it happened,I went for a solution to save him.That's why I needed the Minecraft block,you idiots just won't understand,I was so close,so so close to it.."
"I-I...I'm sorry father,I didn't know.."

Requested by Sora_the_best
961 words

웃彡 ❝𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔❞Where stories live. Discover now