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this was requested by HolographicAbby <33333
thx for everyones support!
my english died here idk why
Now I have some concept but hope it doesn't cringe lmfao
Btw I'm gonna call Mango MT here cuz it feels better B)

MT was already had his coat on,ready to go on a small walk and chill in his place.Purple was with the CG so he was all alone that day.

He opened the door,walked by the stone-dirt path.Usually that was where Gold and him were going to the park.The park was not too far away from home so they would often go there to have some fun.

The park was just in his right.MT took a look at the park.The tree,the slide and the fence they used to sit on and eat corndogs(???).After eating they would usually go to the centre of the city where most of the shops selling random stuff.It was getting more crowded when the sunset happens.He remember all the fun they had together.

MT standed there too long and got distracted,he realized it was pretty awkward so he decided to move on.

After some minutes of walking,he was there.Where some colorful flowers meet under a big tree.MT loved this place because it was mostly quiet.The tree was really big so he would just lay on there and relax about sometime.He sat on there and took a deep breath.

As soon as he closed his eyes,a burning noise came from somewhere very very close.He opened his eyes quickly and looked around.He saw that one of the flowers was off.
"Why is this flower gray?Isn't it supposed to be have color?"he asked himself.He thought that the burning sound came from that flower.It couldn't be a wither rose for sure but it looked nice,for him.
"Actually,the flower looks...nice."he whispered near the flower.
"You know,not like everything has to be colorful right?Its really nice this way too?Am I right?"he asked the flower.After laying on the grass,he thought that talking to a flower was pretty useless.
Or so he thought.
Another flower turned gray just after that.Now MT was concerned and confused.How was that even possible.?

He got closer to the flowers and some of them turned gray again.
"What the f*ck is going on!?"he got confused.
As for the one who was turning the flowers to gray,it was time for a quick meetup.
Victim slowly appeared on the sky,gently landing on the grass.They(Victim will go by They/Them cuz why not?) had question marks on their pupils.They had a halo that was crossing the other halo of their head.A solid clothing with a pencil that was hanging on behind his hair.Their hair was pretty long and beautiful,on the other hand, everything was just the shades of gray,other than the halos and the tail being a bright yellow.
"Greetings!"Victim sounded genuinely happy.
"Who are you?What the f*ck do you want?"MT wasn't really showing sympathy.
"Nice to meet you,I'm Victim!"
"Victim?What kind of a crappy name is that?Anyways,name's M-"
"MT,am I correct?"
"Yes,yes it is.But for real,what are you?"
"Like I said,I'm Victim!But you can say that I'm a spirit/soul."they touched one of the flowers and it turned gray again.
"So you were the one who was turning them gray. . ?"
"Yeah,you like it don't you?",
"Hmmm."MT actually looked happy by it.

After a little bit of chatting,they were getting along.MT started to come to the place more often to visit Victim.They learned about eachother more and more every single day.After some time,they started liking eachother.

Victim was roaming around with MT more often.After around more and more time,MT told that he liked Victim.
"Don't take this seriously Vic."
But Victim was feeling the same.So they decided to open up too.
"I really like you too!"

So uhhh- I hope you like it :D!I really couldn't think of more ideas so I'm finishing it here-
Sorry if I couldn't really do what you wanted Abby,I tried lmfaoo-
Happy Ramadhan btw to all the muslims out there! <3
717 wordssssssss

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