𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕩 𝕋𝕊ℂ💚🧡

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After breakfast,it was the time for Green to bang the music up and time for Second to sleep.They were the literal opposites.

Green ran upstairs to his room and got the items he needed.They were still in AlansPC so they were typically using Minecraft.As normal like we said,Green went out and he placed the blocks.But today was Thursday,so today it was Green's time to shine.

He would work on his piece for a week and he would play it outside.Sometimes he would call Purple to watch his "concert".Green called out Yellow to make him an enchantment for the trident.He was going to use it on his electro-guitar.

After the enchantment,Yellow called for Green:
Green went to Yellow's room and he got the trident.It was glowing in a purplish color.Green got excited as soon as he saw it.
"Thanks Y,cya!"
"Have a great time exploding our ears!"

Green got out and he was finally ready.Blue were gardening outside with Red,they saw Green was proudly standing on his blocks.Blue rolled his eyes and smiled,while Red went to see Green's music "concert".

Green took a deep breath and tried some notes,he was one of some stick figures that could talk,but with a specialty,he could talk in notes or melodies.
"Alright aye,let's fire up this place!"

Green started with a high note,and he started.It was actually pretty nice,except for Second that was sleeping.

Second heard that noise over and over again,he went outside,but he had a plan.He head over to Green and looked.Yes,it was true that he hated him but he actually had feelings for Green.But he decided to not tell because it looked like Green like Purple.

Second took a deep breath and he looked to Green that was playing the electro-bass.Second went inside to his room.

Green was still singing and playing,but then his plans went totally wrong,or not so wrong..

Second flashed to Green and Second started playing too,with electro-bass!
"DUDE WHAT THE-"Green was shocked.He need to keep it up so he started playing with Second.They were both amazing at playing,which they didn't know Second could play it.

Green took a look to Second,he blushed.Second was playing it so good,he had no words.He stared st him while playing,and Second look a quick look,Green was looking at him.

They looked at eachother,both blushed and looked away.Red and Blue were watching them,and they didn't know all of this too.
"Psst Blu,i didn't know they liked eachother!"Red looked excited.
"I totally ship it!!"Blue looked to Red.They were both confused and happy.They sat on the sofa,and watched them.

While Yellow,was working in his room but he saw them through his window too.He was expecting to Second to make a move when he went inside again but didn't know after it.He closed the "101 What to not do with Command Blocks" book and he opened his window.He started listening to it.

the end :D
btw this isnt part of my AU,i dont ship em :]

Tysm for your request RosieNF_22
548 words

웃彡 ❝𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔❞Where stories live. Discover now