𝑀𝑇 & 𝑃𝑢𝑟𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡🟠🟣

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Context»«MT learns about Purple's parents

»Hellowwwwww,this was requested byyy: Sora_the_best
Tysm for your request<3

!! This was after Purple knew about Gold <D

"C'mon dad,we're going to be late!"
"Hang on,I'm almost there,just need a coat."
Purple looked to the stairs.MT had 2 coats on his arm.Purple got the coat and he wore it,just after MT did the same.
"Where are the keys?"
"I got them,don't worry."

Finally,they were out.MT locked the door and they went down few stairs and hit the ground.The sun was shining bright and they had the whole day to spend time because it was Sunday,the time when MT's shift is over.

Purple looked around while he was walking.The trees had sprouted and they looked beautiful,just like his mom.

The road was pure dirt and gravel but it was giving a nice nature vibe.Thefe weren't many big houses either.After some while, Purple looked to his right.
"I didn't know there was a park here huh."Purple looked to the fences from oak wood.

"It is pretty nice."MT started at the slide for a while.They started walking again.

The festival wasn't that far.Just some more minutes and they were going to be in there.

Time Skip

MT and Purple were roaming around and buying things.MT saw the "Minecraft" text didn't have some of the letters in it.It looked abonded from outside.No one was here and the door was closed.I guess the machine wasn't working.
They walked around and heard someone singing.
"That sounds like..."they both thought.Purple was confused and he felt weird.He decided to not talk.On the other hand MT said that this singer was Gold's favorite.
"Oh,I remember this guy from years ago.Gold loved his voice and he was going crazy for it."
"For that singer. . ?"
"He sounds oddly familiar,but not a good kind of familiar."Purple thought.While Purple was thinking,they were already there.MT was looking at that singer and Purple zoned out.
. . .
"The concert ended,you didn't seem to like it,eh?"
"No,no..."Purple stuttered a few letters and he shut his mouth.
"You were gonna say something,arent you?What's on your mind?"MT slowly crouched.
"Can we go see him?I want to meet him."
"Why don't you say that earlier?"MT looked at the singer and there just a few sticks around him so the singer wasn't really busy.
Purple stuttered.He looked down and stood there like a statue.
"Yeah kid,you have any question or some?"
Purple looked at Navy.It was really him.Navy though Purple wanted some autograph so he got a small paper and signed it.He was giving it to Purple,he smiled at Purple but the realization wasn't late.
. . .
Navy's hand stopped.Now they just all three.MT,Navy and Purple.Navy didn't except Purple there.After Orchid's death,Navy left the house so he didn't know anything about Purple's situation.
"Father. . ."Purple trembled but this wasn't a scared tremble.It was full of anger.
Navy took one step away.
"So you already forgot about me..?What the f*ck are you doing here!?"Purple looked at his "father".MT was trying to understand what was going on.
"What the f*ck is going on?"MT questioned.
"Well dad,meet Navy.He is my father."
"Dad!?"Navy looked to the tall figure.
"Father?"MT gave a quick deep look.
"Look son I-"
"I do NOT want to hear anything from you,Navy."Purple walked away.Navy reached out to Purple and he touched his shoulder.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!I SAID I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU!"Purple hit Navy's hand from his shoulder and he turned his back,just after some milliseconds he punched him and Purple looked furious.
"I-I HATE YOU SO MUCH!I HOPE YOU DIE AND R-ROT IN HELL!"Purple hit Navy once again and this time Navy fell to the dirt.
"*SSHOLE!I-"MT took Purple's hand just before Purple could have did anything.
"Enough Purple!"
"Look what you did to him Purple.Did this solve all of your problems?"he continued but his tone was softer than his last.
Purple looked at Navy again.He was in the ground and he was bleeding.Purple did some quite damage.
"I-I..I did the same thing as him.."Purple thought and he looked to Navy.Purple had a mix of emotions this time.
"Let's go home son."MT patted Purple's head.
"Actually I think you did a great job!"he giggled to Purple.Navy was still in shock about what just happened until someone kicked him again.
"Dad!!You said violence doesn't solve anything!"
"Well,do what I say;not do what I do Purple."he chuckled this time.
Purple laughed at his biological father and he laughed again.

I don't have any ideas left so have a aftermath-
(they are home already sitting)
🟠:So who was that guy for real?
🟣:My biological father.
🟠:But if he's your real father why did you do that?
🟣:*explains the emo tragic trauma anxious sad so so sad story behind the evil villain*
🟠:...I wish I didn't stop you from hitting him..Sorry for your loss Purple,I didn't know anything about this.
🟣: Thank you dad..Yeah but I don't want to be like my father..
🟠:...Why didn't you tell sooner about this?
🟣:Long story dad.

Btw this is the theory about Navy being a singer lmfao- Well we can see it in ep 30,MT's flashbacks :D

Btw this is the theory about Navy being a singer lmfao- Well we can see it in ep 30,MT's flashbacks :D

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Okay uh i hope u liked this lol,I tried much as i can lmfao
965 words💀

웃彡 ❝𝑨𝒍𝒂𝒏 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔❞Where stories live. Discover now