[Chapter 69]

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A/N 69... ha 😏

My father unlocked the cell, grabbing Lee Know by his hair, as he threw him out, locking the door again before anyone else could get out.
Lee Know stumbled, looking at me desperately.

I went and sat in front of him.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, as he nodded, placing a facaded smile on his face.
"Just peachy."

"Alright, let's get going. Bring your boyfriend with you, Y/N." My father grimaced, beginning to walk out the room.

I noticed Kara was still on the floor, but I wasn't going to say anything.
Minji was bubbling in the back of my mind, wanting to tell father he had left her out, but I wouldn't betray her like that.
I owed the girl that much, so I just held Lee Know's hand, and brought him with me.

Kara stirred, sitting up slowly, her head spinning.

"Kara!" Felix yelled, reaching his hand through the bars, as she turned, shuffling over to hold it.

"Felix... where are we?" She asked, as Felix smiled sadly.

"The dungeon. Y/N's father caught us all, Kara. He's going to kill us." Felix said slowly, as Kara shook her head.

"No, he won't, I won't let him. How do I get this open?" She started, pulling herself up on the bars as she wandered over to the lock, stumbling slightly.

"Kara, you can't." Han said, whom was sitting at the back. "There's no point, you need a key. Just- sit down, you can't do anything if you pass out again."

"No, no, I'm fine." Kara mumbled, despite the spinning in her head as she fumbled with it, sighing in exasperation as she fell to her knees.

"Kara." Jimin called out, as she turned her head to the cell beside her.
Felix stiffened, reaching out to grab her hand again.
"Just stay here. You don't need to move around, it'll be okay. Just stay with me." He said, his throat coarse, as Kara smiled sadly, rubbing his hand.

"Let me go over there, Lix. I'll be back." She whispered, pulling his hand to her mouth as she gave it a kiss, and crawled over.

Jimin reached out for her instantly, struggling but still managing to get his arms around her.
She pushed him off. "I need to get you out of here." She whispered, pulling herself up on the bars, and fiddling with the lock.

She cursed as it resisted, simply letting go.

"Y/N's mother made me an offer. I'll get you guys out of here, don't worry." Kara said, smiling in the dim light as she held at her stomach, glancing over to Gabs.

"Kara, don't." Jimin warned, but she just started walking off.

"It'll be alright, I know what I'm doing."

My father grabbed Lee Know from me as soon as we stood into a room, shoving him against the wall.

"Not so chatty now, are you?" My father scoffed, as Lee Know just scowled.

"I don't have anything to say to you." He scoffed, his eyes darting to me, and then back at my dad, as he punched him in the face.

My dad stumbled back, holding his jaw.
"That one hurt, kid." He grumbled, standing up as he pulled a gun from his back pocket.

Lee Know just stood his ground, pushing his hair from his face.

"You know, you're quite a shitty dad trying to knock off your daughters friends, right?" He mocked, crossing his arms.

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