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Life is a silly thing, isn't it? Sometimes it feels funky and wants to screw with you. Other times it decides to give you a break and you get to actually enjoy life a little bit.

Life was feeling funky today.

You tried your best to control your anger as you trudged through the front door. You weren't exactly fuming like you were a couple of minutes ago, but you were still angry. If only today had gone a little more smoothly. The old orange tabby you adopted looks up with its big green-hazel eyes as you came in, meowing happily as it trots over to you. Despite yourself, you couldn't help a smile as you saw your best friend happy to see you.

"Oh Oscar, buddy, you wouldn't believe the day I had." You groaned as you quite literally threw yourself onto the couch, letting out a grunt as you collided with the mattresses. "Him, HIMMM!!! Why is he such an ass? Why couldn't he mind his own damn business!? I mean, what do you gain from being an ass like that!?" You do nothing as Oscar hops onto your back with little care and starts pawing biscuits into your shoulder blade. He lets out a little meow, bumping his head against the back of your neck before continuing with his biscuits. You smile again. Not a thought in that head of his.

"I mean, I don't understand why people antagonize just to antagonize." You keep venting. "It's like he's trying to get me to beat his ass so I can get fired or some shit."


"Exactly! You just get it, don't you?"


You shift your body with a grunt, sitting up properly. Oscar let out an irritated yowl as he hopped off your back and over to his food bowl. You chuckle, leaning back on the little corner cut white couch, the poor thing squeaking under your weight. You sigh as you sink into the cushions, your eyes slipping closed. You were comfortable.

You lived in a cheap apartment. The hotel was old, the neighborhood old. It definitely wasn't anything fancy, though it's not like you could afford anything fancy, not in this economy. It was something on the smaller end, but reasonably priced and livable. Perfect for a jackass and her dumb-as-bricks cat. The plumbing worked good, and the appliances didn't date back about 100 years, so you counted yourself lucky. You were well off enough. Well, as well off as a person living paycheck to paycheck could be. You had a roof over your head, and for you that was enough. It had to be.

All your problems wout be solved if you could just get that damn pay raise. Your brow furrowed as you thought back to earlier today. Working at a mom and pop Cafe, while it provided wonderful company, didn't really pay well. Hopefully it will soon, apparently, in your town at least, all business owners are supposed to get a huge stimulus check later this month, which means a pay raise for you. If you can earn it. And you've been working your ass off. Which is why you came home feeling a bit more pissed off than usual.

You don't know if it was sabotage or if it was him just being an asshole, but your coworker had managed to not only screw up all of your orders, but make you look like a joke in the process.

Now usually, your bosses were very understanding. A sweet elderly couple, they had been working and living in this part of town for years. Usually you didn't have to worry about having a job, or losing it due to something small. But the health inspector was due to visit in a few weeks, and performance had to be top notch. If you start slipping, or if somebody else screws you over, there's a very real chance you would be toast. You started wondering what would happen if you were laid off. What happens if you can't pay your landlord? Sure she's nice, but she needs to make money too. Certainly not going to let you stay here for free.

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