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"WHY IS HE HERE!?!" Scout hollered over the gunfight. He just managed to dodge a fireball heading straight for his face, backing into Pyro on accident. He flinches as he turns around, letting out a sigh of relief as he recognizes his teammate.

"We're screwed, we are ACTUALLY screwed!" He shrieks as Pyro yanks him out of the way of a stray rocket.

"EYES ON THE FIGHT!" she screams, voice muffled by the well-worn oxygen mask. "You can't get hurt now! Respawn isn't working!"

"WHAT?" Scout cried. "IT'S TOO LOUD, I CAN'T HEAR-"


An explosion nearby rips the ground from under their feet, sending the two flying into the air. They come crashing down with a pained grunt.

"YOU FOOLS!" A powerful voice boomed over the battlefield. "YOU WILL NOT STOP ME, THE GREAT MERASMUS, FROM COMMENCING WITH MY PLAN!"

"WHY IS HE EVEN HERE??!!" Scout screamed, letting out an undignified yelp as he was hoisted to his feet. "It's not even anywhere NEAR Halloween!!"

"I don't know boy, you all right?" He felt Engineer's strong hands hold him up by his shoulders. The younger man let out a raspy cough, struggling to stand on his own.

"Yeah, I-"



"Please. Get off. Of my face." You sputtered, your vision completely filled with nothing but orange fur. You hear nothing out of Oscar as you try to sit up.

"Look Oscar, I know it's Saturday, but please." You shove him off with little grace, him making an irritated yowl as he woke up from it. You made a disgusted face as you spat, a few cat hairs sticking to your tongue. Oscar looks at you with barely open eyes before lazily picking himself up and plopping himself at the foot of your bed. "You suck, you know that?" You give him a glare as you stretch, feeling a bit of annoyance as your arms collide with the headboard of your bed.

Pale white light gently beamed in through your window, an overcast sky and a sparse city skyline paint the outside world. You don't hear many cars on the road nor do you hear your neighbor's tragic calamity of a morning routine. Everything was quiet.

It looked cold outside.

You sit up with a grunt, your legs swinging over the edge of the mattress with a lazy sway. Makes sense that it looks so cold. It was only February after all.

"Mmmmm... gotta clean the house today." You say sleepily as you stretch properly this time, pulling your arms far back behind your head and letting out a high-pitched whine.

You stand up with a bit of wobbly momentum, still not having properly woken up yet. You managed to catch yourself before you could fall, standing up properly as you looked at yourself in the mirror. There you saw yourself with your normal pajama clothes. A simple black shirt with the invader Zim character Gir drinking a milkshake, and some red and black plaid sleep pants. Your hair was a bit of a mess, but that's normal, and it kind of tied your look together anyways. Sleepy chic? You strike a pose, pursing your lips. Oh hell yeah, you're looking awesome today!

You say nothing as you finally emerge from your room, bare feet plapping against the cold wooden floor with heavy thuds. You stopped as you entered the living room, taking note of all the things you had to do today.

The countertops are looking a little dingy, but they don't seem as bad as the floor, which was in need of a good vacuuming. You spotted a hairball by the litter box and figured it'd be a good idea to make sure everything there was cleaned out too. You had a bunch of bills and paperwork on the coffee table that needed arranging, but that's nothing you can't handle in time.

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