"Don't need another perfect lie"

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Mid-morning sunlight filtered through the pale curtains, bathing your room with a warm golden glow. It wasn't too bright, the room's neutral darker tones helping to ease the intensity a bit. Your bedroom's deep beige walls were easy on the eyes, and you're thankful you were able to repaint the walls from that stark white color they were before. It was calm. Soft. It was the perfect place for you to calm down after a horrible day, or simply relax. And you were very relaxed right now. If you weren't careful you would fall back asleep, safe, cozy and warm under the blankets.

The warm heavy mass that was Oscar was purring happily on your chest, sleeping soundly. He was so cute with his little arms and feet outstretched across your torso. You were still teetering between consciousness and deep sleep, your eyes peeling open slightly now and again before slipping closed once more. You were snoring quietly, laying on your back with your limbs spread out all over the mattress. A girl and her cat, content to sleep the morning away. Your snoring was steadily getting louder, the rumbling vibrations in the back of your throat getting more intense until you finally jerked awake, bleary eyes blinking in confusion. Funny, you never thought you could snore yourself awake. Your brain was only partially aware of what happened, consciousness still somewhere between Earth and some ancestral plain.

You take a moment to simply exist. Laying there like a meaty vegetable without a worry to be had. All five senses had begun to slowly come back to you in time. You made an amused hum, only just a few minutes later realizing you snored yourself awake. You couldn't help the giggle that left your throat. Your hand instinctively came up to pet Oscar, the tabby still sleeping peacefully on your chest.

Your eyes followed along the black cord of Christmas lights you had hung on your wall, following up and over against the wall and coming to a stop at the skylight. The tilted window added to the natural lighting in your room in the most aesthetic way, the light shining down on the foot of your bed well away from your face. You smiled, slowly reaching your hand over to scratch Oscar's jaw. Man, this place looks so cool. The tabby awoke with a little 'mrrp', giving you a sleepy side eye as you laughed through your nose. You gave a tiny half-hearted shrug.

The both of you stayed like that for a little while longer, simply relaxing and enjoying the sounds of the city. The distant honking and the occasional shout was nothing but white noise to you at this point. You were comfortable. You could very well go back to sleep and simply waste the day away. And yet, deep down you felt like you might have forgotten something important. Your brow furrowed as you thought, the distant sounds throughout your apartment not yet registering with your groggy brain. The clattering of a plate, the closing of the fridge. Distant voices that were more than definitely out of place and so so familiar.

Oh no.

You felt something drop in your chest.

"Oh shit."

You bolted up suddenly, the action scaring Oscar and sending him scurrying off to the foot of your bed.


You leaped out of bed, reaching your hand out to open the door and just as quickly stopping yourself. You dropped to your hands and knees in a panic, peering through the gap between the door and the floorboards. You could see multiple pairs of feet moving around, could hear voices speaking in hushed whispers. You could smell a faint aroma of blood, grease, antiseptics and strong cologne.

It was real. It was actually fucking real, It actually fucking happened, it was FUCKING REAL??!

You need to find your laptop. It's in here somewhere, it- wait, no your laptop was still in the living room. Oh shit, you could only pray they weren't snooping around through your pictures yet. Ok, realistically you know they probably couldn't find your pictures folder, let alone work the stupid laptop, but still. You moved your hands up to massage your temples, a horrible headache settling in. Eight in the morning and you already hate everything. You could only assume it was somewhere around eight. You gave a pained hiss as you bitterly remembered you hurt your hand yesterday, pulling your hand back and realizing just how sore it was. Idiot.

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