"Half a world away"

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You stared blankly at the gauze wrapped around your hand, the cuts still throbbing with a dull pain. Your eyes followed over the wrinkles and folds, thumb rubbing and feeling the soft texture of the fabric dressing.

It stung.

From where you sat you were dimly aware of the other men moving around you, talking quietly, settling in. Ludwig, having already cleaned and dressed your hand, had moved on to tend to the others, his demeanor much more calmer than you would've expected out of him. Quite a few of the others were hurt, complaining about bullet wounds and other scary injuries. Pyro was still running around, following Ludwig orders and occasionally making their way back to you, giving you a little wave and a thumbs up before turning back and focusing on what they were doing prior.

You were alone on the couch now. Spy had moved away to give you some space, and at this point you'd been alone for about twenty minutes. It felt imposing for some reason. Not that you wanted a complete stranger to sit next to you while you were surrounded by other complete strangers in your own home, but Spy was... cordial. You appreciated the gesture and at the same time you wanted someone there, simply to feel less alone. You'd cuss your brain if you weren't so scrambled right now.

Your mind felt numb. Like you were forced to run a grueling long mental marathon and had finally collapsed from the pure exhaustion of it.

It still stung.

You hissed as you looked down at your hand, a random spike of pain jolting through and up your arm. It's going to be a bitch to deal with, you could already tell. Already you'd begun worrying about the next couple of weeks, and your job. You tried to remember if you had any more paid vacation days. If you didn't, you'd have to go to work and push through the pain. You can't afford to take unpaid time off.

It could all still be a dream.

Someone pats your shoulder, your brain vaguely recognizing their voice as they speak to you. With whatever word soup they spoke you somehow managed to piece together that they were asking you a question. You nodded, despite not really knowing what they asked. For all you knew they could've asked if you were a pink elephant on ketamine, you still would've said yes.

This could still be a dream, right? It felt real. The pain sure felt real. Could you feel pain in a dream? You didn't know.

They nudged your shoulder again, giving a more firmer squeeze. That alone was somehow enough for you to snap back to reality, your eyes looking up to see Medic towering over you. You looked away just as fast, the sudden eye contact unnerving you.

"How's your hand?" Ludwig asked again, his hand falling away from your shoulder. "Are jou doing okay?"

You gave a hiss as you stroked your thumb across your palm, the feather light touches of your own doing nothing to actually hurt the injury. "Well, it's doing." You gave a chuckle.

"Ah, alright. If it gets worse, tell me." The doctor gives a nod as he straightens. He turns to leave. You move to speak.

"Oh, wait, uh-" You stop him, good hand flying up on instinct as he moves. Ludwig stops and looks at you, a questioning look on his well chiseled face. You stuttered, floundering a bit.

"I, uh..." You looked down and started fidgeting with your fingers, feeling unusually embarrassed. The doctor tilts his head, urging you to go on. You shrugged.

"Could... Could one of you explain how you got here? I mean, I'm still confused." You confess. "I mean, I know you said it was a big rock that brought you here and all of that, But I'm still kind of confused."

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