"So so what?"

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You felt great. How in the world did you get so lucky?

You lazily walked down the sidewalk with a big bundle of plastic bags in your arms, full of groceries and extra clothing for the boys. You got everything you needed in one trip, a rare thing for you! You even decided to splurge and get the boys not only a pair of pajamas each, but also an extra pair of casual clothes in general.

Did it set you back in terms of how much spare money you had? Yes It did. You'd have to put off any plans of actually doing anything until you got more money, but for now you had everything under control. You hoped so at least.

A brief moment of worry crossed your mind. You still had enough money to pay your rent, right? You felt yourself run through your own thoughts, trying to remember if you stored enough money in your desk to pay rent. Every time you received your paycheck you usually separated the amount you needed for your rent immediately, putting it in an envelope in your desk for safe keeping. It's more for your own piece of mind than anything else. However, you couldn't really remember If you did that this time or not, struggling to remember if you saw that envelope in your desk while you were rummaging around your bedroom this morning. You decided to calm yourself down before you started to panic, reminding yourself how you were always so digitalent about it before, so you must have done it this time.

Well fuck, now you're going to worry about until you get home....

You looked down at one of the bags hanging on your arm and you smiled in anticipation. You miiiight have also gotten yourself something too. Really small things, very inconsequential. A tube of pink lip oil, a bottle of clear top coat nail polish and a few candy bars, as well as some more painkillers for your hand. Add some glitter gel pens and some stickers, simply because they looked cute. If you don't use them then you'd probably give them to Pyro.

You walked to the end of the sidewalk where the streetlight was and waited for the walk light to turn on. You stood humming a little tune as a few cars passed by, adjusting your grip on your bags. You started tapping a foot to the beat of whatever song you were humming, swing back and forth slightly. You let out a soft huff as you waited. The light was taking a long time to change.

"Oh look, a street hooker."

Your body froze for a millisecond before you let out a loud groan, not even hiding your disdain. You turned around and saw your bitch of a coworker, and that's putting it politely, walking up to the curb and towards you. A tall man with a slim jaw, blonde hair and a firm build. He'd almost be the perfect catch if not for him having the most disgusting attitude you'll ever get from someone. The brat.

"Oh Elon! What a DISpleasure to see you. Did your daddy bail you out of jail, because I know they didn't just let you walk out after what you did."

"Dude, shut up bitch, I was just looking for a good time." He spits back, standing a few feet away from you on the sidewalk.

"Oh that's rich." You groaned, your good hand discretely sneaking around a glass jar in one of your bags. "Apparently you found it. I heard it didn't end well for you. Someone should have told you what "no" means. I heard you got beaten up by a big biker chick."

"Hey, I didn't know she was her lady!"

"Well now you do."

You two stood in a very hostile silence, him simmering angrily just a few feet away from you. You still gripped the glass jar tightly. You at least hope it wouldn't break If you had to defend yourself. Not that you thought Elon would actually do anything to you... You hoped not.

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