"Just another Manic Monday."

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You awoke with a start, the alarm on your phone blaring loudly as you jolted out of bed, your actions once again scaring Oscar and sending him running to the corner of the room. You gasped, essentially being jump scared by the loud noise. You grabbed your phone off your nightstand, somehow ending up being tangled in your own sheets as you frantically turned the alarm off. You turn the phone screen on and give a startled shout as the light flashbangs you. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for a moment before you finally take a peak and read the time on the phone. Your heart dropped as you read 4:00 am in bright white numbers.

You were supposed to be at work at 4:00.

Realizing you must have accidentally messed up your morning alarm at some point when you set it, you started to panic. If you didn't get going they were going to find someone to fill in your shift, and you couldn't let that happen. Mostly because the mental anxiety of showing up late and speaking to the one unfortunate soul that had to stand in for you and apologize to them so early in the morning was a nightmare scenario for you. On top of that you simply won't be paid for not doing any work. You started cursing under your breath, running purely on habit as you ran to your clothes dresser.

"Oh good fucking SHIT-" Your tired brain slurred out every cuss word it could think of as you quickly got dressed, Ignoring the heavy tired feeling that still weighed your brain down.

You quickly put on your work uniform, a simple pastel blue company shirt with some jeans, and you grab your fully charged phone. You exited your bedroom and practically ran into the kitchen, taking out a slice of bread and shoving it in the toaster. The noise you were making was starting to wake up some of the mercenaries, but at that point you were too rushed to care.

"Wuuh... where's the fire?" Engineer started to stir, his tired voice catching your attention and making you feel a bit guilty for waking them up.

"Fire? Where?" Pyro's head popped up from her sleeping spot on the floor, looking around with closed eyes. A yawn escaped her lips. "I didn't do it this time!"

You rolled your eyes as you went into the bathroom, quickly brushing your teeth and taking any medications you needed to before the day officially started.

The sun hadn't even risen yet as it's barely even 4:02 in the morning. You looked at the bathroom window with a deep sigh. You always hated walking to work when it was still this dark out, but you had to do what you had to do. You let out a yawn, somehow accidentally swallowing the little bit of toothpaste in your mouth. You started coughing, spitting the rest of the gunk out in the sink.

"Was zum Teufel?" You heard Medic's voice call from the living room, followed by the sound of the toaster popping up. "It's so early!"

"I'm late for work!" You said as you walked out of the bathroom, quickly making your way to the kitchen and grabbing the toast out of the toaster. You hissed a little, the toast being just a little bit too hot.

Most of the other mercenaries were awake now, and the ones who were still asleep were knocked out like a light. The few awake started complaining, some saying even they didn't have to get up this early. You gave the few mercenaries who were awake an apologetic look as you practically inhaled your toast, finishing the entirety of your breakfast in a few bites.

"Looks, I'm really sorry, but I gotta get going! I fucked up an alarm and I'm gonna be la-" you were interrupted by another yawn forcing its way out of your throat, your movements stopping as your hand came to cover your mouth. "...fuck, excuse me, late."

You quickly grabbed your keys and your Monster High mini bag, along with the maroon windbreaker you usually kept by the door. You heard a meow behind you as you reached for the door, you turned to see your beloved pet Oscar casually walking past you and over to his food bowl. He gave somewhat of a pissy meow as he saw nothing in the bowl, and you quickly made your way back over to the kitchen to pour some food in.

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