"Betty Davis eyes."

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He watched you trudge up the stairs with a lingering smirk on his face. Part of him couldn't help but admire how adorable you were when you were riled up. You worried too much. At least that's how he felt. He sighed as he leaned back in the booth, bobbing his head along to the music coming from the jukebox. The music sounded different from anything he'd heard before, it having what he would describe as a techno beat. Despite the strange sound, he rather enjoyed it. It was different.

He took in the sights of the cafe, enjoying the familiar 1950's interior, finding it completely charming. It felt like home. He could imagine himself back in Boston, in a cafe just like this, wooing the woman he so loved all those years ago. He smiled as he took another bite of that delicious cake you brought. The cinnamon roll coffee cake, that's what it was called, oui? Definitely a favorite of his now. And the coffee itself was to die for. And for once in his life, not literally! He didn't have to worry about outside tampering with his food. All he had to worry about was if he liked it or not. A rare luxury for a spy.

And he did like it. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to come here every morning?

He ate his cake in peace, smiling as that beautiful blonde waitress came around once again to check on him. She really wasn't that discreet with her interest in him, smiling and flirting light-heartedly as she went about. Part of him could tell the flirting was simply in her nature, it never coming across as too pushy or forceful.

Everything was going fine. For once, not a worry in the world.

Then his ears perked up. What was that he heard? His eyes glared up towards the narrow stairway, his brow furrowing. He'd definitely heard shouting. At first he was inclined to simply ignore it, hoping it would only be a simple workplace dispute. But it kept getting louder. And louder. He could see more customers around him glancing at the stairway, most becoming concerned.

It all happened so fast.


You didn't know what the hell was going on.

They both tried to hold you back as you clawed your way up the stairs, shouting obscenities and frankly losing your mind. You remember jabbing your elbow in someone's face, them letting go and finally giving you enough room to scramble up the stairs.

You remember bursting your way into the main office, screaming and pointing wildly at Elon as he attempted to leave. And Miss Fitzgerald, you remember how horrified she was when you kicked open the door. Looking back on it, you felt horrible. You scared that sweet woman, and for what?

Was it your fault? Maybe it was. Perhaps you should have held on to the railing tighter.

He pushed you.

But if you had kept your mouth shut and not said anything to him you wouldn't be in this mess. Right?

He pushed you. He PUSHED you.

You remember your lungs burning as you shouted, finally fed up with him and his stupid attitude and his stupid everything. You remember Spy being there with you, backing up everything you told Miss Fitzgerald and claiming himself as an eyewitness. Distantly, you knew he couldn't have seen what happened from where he was, but you didn't say anything on that.

Miss Fitzgerald and her husband brought Elon into their office after Spy led you out, even though you more than wanted to stay and see what happened. You wanted to know if he'd be fired on the spot or not. Probably not. He's a rich man, he could probably skeez his way out of anything. You weren't taking it too far, were you? You were probably going to get fired for causing a scene like this.

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