"~Oh how I wish it was Sunday."

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You sat up with a jolt as the alarm woke you up, blasting your ears with a very unforgiving volume. You sat hunched over, tossing the covers off your body with a sleepy grunt, your arms screaming in pain from the action. You thought nothing of the dull soreness as you pushed yourself up to your feet, making your way to your desk to turn off the alarm on your phone. You yawn, wiping away the sleep from your eyes as you sit at your desk, cradling your head in your hands.

A week. It has been a full week since that day at the cafe, where you were pushed down the stairs and left a fuming, trembling mess. A full week since you've actually seen your friends. And just a little over a week since the mercenaries came into your life.

You had gotten a few texts from Crystal and the rest of your friends, all checking up on you. It took every bit of persuasion power you had to convince your friends not to come over, for simple fear of any of them possibly recognizing the mercenaries. It was probably the paranoia, they most likely wouldn't've recognized them anyway. However you didn't want to take the chance. Part of you recognized it was you being overly cautious, but you couldn't help it.

Your attempts at getting them to not swing by the apartment were quite blunt, to be honest. Truth we told, you were scared you came across a bit... rude. Again, that could just be paranoia, human communication is hard, even on a good day.

Really, all you said was you wanted to be alone, that's not rude, right?

Not helping your paranoia any, you did happen to notice you hadn't been getting any texts from them these past few days. Were they respecting your privacy, or were they angry with how you told them you wanted to be alone?

There was some good news. It had taken the full week, but Spy had managed to forge all of the paperwork needed for the mercenaries. Birth certificates, driver's licenses, fake green cards, you name it. Everything looked so official to you, it completely blew your mind. Spy had to be so skilled to replicate everything so perfectly. Of course, when you said this to him, Spy had a little smirk on his face, puffing his chest out with pride. "Of course et's perfect," he said, his voice teasing you, "I'm the best at what I do." You couldn't fault him for peacocking, he did good work.

Great work actually. Now with that paperwork, at least a few of the mercenaries could get jobs. Ever since the Incident at your workplace, your boss had demanded that you stay home and take a week of paid vacation. Which you were thankful for, no doubt about it, but it did mean you weren't able to work extra hours like you usually did. That extra money you got for working overtime was very important to you. Your usual paycheck gives you enough money to cover basic bills and rent, which is great. But rarely were you ever left with any extra money for yourself. Overtime gives you that little bit of extra cash to do that. Not only that, but it gives you money for any important medicine you need.

Speaking of which.

You groaned, remembering just how little medicine you had left.

Well, housing is definitely more important than your happiness. You're going to have to deal with it until you get the extra money you need. Which hopefully would be very soon, if the boys plus Pyro managed to land a job somewhere.

You actually hadn't told them about your need for antidepressants. Mostly, you didn't think you needed to, it was very private information after all. You've been on antidepressants for a few years now, and the medicine had definitely been helping. Nowadays most of what you had to deal with was the crippling anxiety that plagued your mind every time anything happened ever. But you've been learning to at least deal with it until you were able to get your depression fixed. Which it very well wasn't yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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