"Bad company"

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The mind can play tricks on a person, right? Especially a mind like yours, constantly put under severe stress almost everyday. With your constant headaches and over reliance on pain medications, surely you would be prone to hallucinations? Right?

Your mind knows when to separate reality from fiction. As much as you crave living in a fictional world where your modern troubles mean nothing to you, you can't. You know what's real and what's not, for better or worse.

Your front door was locked. You made sure it was after you shouted obscenities at the popper-happy pranksters running through the hallway at the time.

So. Those points having been made, what the actual fuck is going on?

The question ran circles in your mind like a relay race, heart hammering away in your chest as you slowly backed away from the incredibly odd and frightening scene in front of you.

You couldn't think of any reason why these people were passed out on your living room floor. These eight, wait no, nine people had no business being here. Logic be damned, you immediately thought the worst.

Your mouth opened in a quiet yelp as your back hit the kitchen counter at an odd angle, the corner jabbing you. Your hand quickly snaked behind you as you kept your eyes on the people, successfully finding the cutlery drawer and pulling out a steak knife.

What the fuck.

Your eyes snapped over to the front door, and from where you were standing it didn't look like they had broken in. The door looked fine.

Which, again, raises the question of how the hell did they get in? Why were they laying on the floor unconscious?

What the actual fuck.

You had no explanation, not a goddamn clue. But you were scared. As much as you usually liked to brag to your friends about how strong you were, you were fairly certain you couldn't fight off nine people who were very much bigger than you.

Your eyes traveled back to the side table where your phone was. Thank any god that would listen, you hadn't restarted the music playlist yet. If you had, the loud music would probably wake up the intruders. You had to get to it. You could get to it, right? Your apartment was not big, realistically it would only take around six big steps, probably seven, and you could reach your phone.

You didn't want to move. Your heart was racing as you took a very hesitant step forward, the rest of your body leaning back as if actively being repelled. You had to get to your phone. You had to call the cops.

You tried your best to stay absolutely quiet, pure fear keeping your mouth shut. You didn't want to make any noise whatsoever.

The same couldn't be said for Oscar.

You felt your heart drop as you heard him hiss, looking to see him perched up on top of the couch and hissing angrily. It was the most angry you've ever seen your sweet little cuddle bun. The hissing wasn't anything too loud, but you were horrified it could wake one of the men up at any moment. You decided to pick up the pace, quieting each of your foot falls as much as you could. Like sneaking out of your room in the middle of the night as a child to grab snacks from the cupboard. Except you wouldn't get a chiding "go to your room" from your parents if you get caught this time. Who knows what you would get?

You were never the most nimble of people, and your balance was always notoriously topsy turvy, but much to your surprise you managed to make it to your couch. You angled your body defensively, the steak knife always pointed at the mysterious people. With a bit of fumbling around, still not taking your eyes off the intruders, you managed to grab your phone and unlock it.

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