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You grunt as you push the old vacuum cleaner across the floor, letting out an irritated string of curses as it refuses to pick up most of the little trash bits in its wake.

It was not doing its job.

Admittedly it was very old. It was a gift from one of your older neighbors at the time when you moved in, something you were very thankful for. They've since passed away a while ago, and while you've been meaning to get a new vacuum cleaner lately, you've just never got around to it. On top of that, you felt slightly guilty. It made no sense of course, but it was a gift, and you felt a bit obligated to keep it despite it not working.

You wanted to be done with this before sundown, but at the moment it seemed like that wasn't going to happen. You take a moment to stop, stretching your back and giving a little yelp as you felt a joint pop somewhere. You sigh, looking around at your now cleaner apartment.

You usually did a decent job keeping the place clean. Occasionally you would drop the ball, your depression slamming you harder on those specific days. Sooner or later though you always manage to pull yourself up and continue your life. Sometimes that's all you can do. And thank Sekhmet if she's willing to listen, because seeing the place cleaner, even with the vacuum not working, made you feel so much better.

The kitchen was spotless. It was a smaller area than what a kitchen would normally be, so that made it a bit easier. Thankfully the cabinets weren't that much of a hassle to clean, besides one strangely tough stain on the stove. What you manage to spill there, you'll never know. After you cleaned the kitchen you spent some time rearranging the clutter on the countertops and making it look nice. It could be a cute little Pinterest picture. Not that you had pinterest, but it was a thought.

After that you fixed up the living room, fluffing up the pillows and folding the little couch blanket you kept in there. Next you spend some time cleaning your bathroom, which was actually a lot faster than you thought it would be. Well, to be fair, you kept your bathroom clean anyways.

The only thing you had left to do, besides cleaning up your bedroom, was vacuum the floors. You grimaced as you looked at the speckled bits of trash on the floor, giving the vacuum cleaner a judgmental stare.

"I know you're old and everything, but I wish you could at least work." You say as you clicked the button on its handle to shut it off. It does so with a very concerning 'wvv rrrr' sound. Your brow furrowed, making a mental note that yes, this was the last day you're using this vacuum cleaner. Who knows, the damn thing could catch on fire next time.

Could that actually happen? You didn't know. Part of you didn't want to.

You let out a rough groan as you walked away, slowly taking step after step. Your eyes landed on where you kept the broom and dustpan. A determined look set on your face as you marched forward.

You briefly wondered just how long it would take for Valve to fix their blunder and get the mercenaries back in the game. How do you mess up that badly? You shook your head, deciding to simply not think about it. They had to fix it. Sooner or later the game will be right as rain and you'll be able to hang out with your friends as your favorite group of psychotic killers. You grabbed the broom and dust pan, only partially acknowledging the weird bend in the metal handle of the broom. You still didn't know how that got there.

Although, thanks to your pessimism, you weren't sure if that would ever happen. But thankfully, you've been wrong before, so who knows.

You got down on your knees and gripped the broom by the base of the broomhead, having the rest of the broom staff lean against your shoulder. You were going to try and sweep the carpet. Yes it's stupidly hard, but it's possible to clean the carpet this way and you were desperate. You've also done it before, nothing bad happened. You harshly dragged the brush head across the carpet, trying your best to dislodge the little trash bits with some success. The bits flick up off the carpet as you do, a piece almost flying into your mouth. You sputtered as you paused.

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