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(Third p.o.v)

Shawn and Gus were sitting at a table for lunch when their waitress came back over to check up on them.
"Hey, can I get you guys anything else before I close this check out?" She asked.
"As a matter of fact, you can. My partner, Trapezius Milkington, would like to see something in a Belgian waffle." Shawn informed her before Gus cut in.
"Shawn, it's 12:30. I do not want waffles or eggs or Malt-O-Meal." Gus pointed out.
"All right. What would you recommend?" He asked looking towards her.
"Oh, my gosh! If you're going to do this, I'm going to the bathroom. Excuse me." Gus told as he got up and went to do just that, while Shawn focused on the waitress.
"Don't mind him. His bladder's probably smaller than yours. Now go ahead, and take my taste buds on a fantastical journey." He told making her hum.
"I don't know... I like the burgers." She told him.
"Ah, ah, ah. I'm sorry, I should have told you. Only rule, it can't be something that someone would order for lunch. Keep in mind, we want to go off script here." He told making her smile.
"Okay, I see. Well, in that case I would recommend the pumpkin pancakes with a side of lingcod. Does that work?"
"Let's get married." He offered making her chuckle.
"You don't even know me!"
"Oh, really! Allow me to introduce yourself. Jetta girl, maybe green. Backseat loaded with empty Pinkberry cups."
"Oh, my God!" She began before giving him a playful look. "Wrong! I drive a Jeep. A black Jeep."
Once she said that information, Shawn clicked his tongue but she didn't stop there.
"But you're dead-on with the Pinkberry."
"So what do you think? Should we set a date or what?" He asked.
"Mmm, I'll think about it."
"Fair enough." He told making her hun in agreement before heading off for the new order and Gus came back and sat back across from Shawn.
"Let me guess. She's considering your proposal of marriage?" He asked shocking Shawn.
"How could you possibly know that?"
"Shawn, you use that same tired-ass routine on every other waitress that serves us." Gun pointed out.
"This is categorically untrue."
"You used it on that 80-year-old fixings attendant at Fuddruckers." Gus stated.
"What's your point, man?"
"My point is, you're going to be 80 years old and still shamelessly hitting on waitresses. Is that what you want?"
"Is that a trick question?" Shawn genuinely asked.
"What do you think?" He asked back, making Shawn catch on to what he was on about.
"I'm not playing this game Gus."
"Is this cause of Ash?"
"What do you think?"
"Shawn, it's been several months. She'd want you to get back out there. Seriously get out there."
"I'm fine."
"I've seen your place, Shawn. It's not fine."
"Gus please. I'm fine and when I am ready, I will get back out there. But for now, I'm happy doing this."
"Fine. But if it gets to a year, I'm hitting you."
"Seems utterly fair."

Of course, neither of them realised that there was a cab pulling into the street Shawn's place was located.

(Ash p.o.v)

I was listening to the voicemail me and Shawn recorded when we first moved in together and got a house phone, before hearing the beep.
"Hey, incase you are home. Call me back. If not, then obviously I'll see you at the office or station. Whichever is first. Bye." I told before hanging up and rubbed my eyes since I opted to where my glasses for now instead of my contacts, but I couldn't help but give an amused smile at the bubbly jumping girl next to me. "Penelope, you didn't need to come with me for this."
"You have just been notified you are no longer undercover and decided to go to Santa Barbara and not catch up with me. Besides, Spencer told me about the Christmas you two had on one of the times we were missing you, so I'll be able to have a memorable time with you while we are here like he did."
"Someone was murdered Pen." I pointed out.
"Ley." I added since she still couldn't call me Ash.
"Ashley, we work with death like every day."
"I know. But I don't want a death to ruin your time here. Besides, knowing my luck, I'll be dragged in on what ever case my friends are working on."
"Well another thing. You can track down where Shawn Spencer lives so I can meet him and possibly have a relationship and babies with him." She told making me laugh. "Oh I am not joking. I want to have his children Ashley. He is stupidly hot."
"I don't doubt that, Pen."
"I find it unfair that you can call me Pen but I can't call you Ash."
"I can stop calling you Pen then."
"Don't you dare." She told making me smile before the Taxi pulled up to the house.
"Thank you." I told as I gave him a couple of 50's before we got out.
I opened the boot and pulled all our bags out before heading towards the house with Penelope following closely behind.
"Is this one of your friends?" She asked.
"Na it's my house. I own it." I informed her as I carried one of her bags as well.
"And you didn't sell it before coming to Virginia?"
"Why would I? I live here with one of my buddies from childhood. Besides, I need a place to live while I'm in town visiting." I informed her as I unlocked the garage.
"If you own it, why the garage?"
"Cause I'm lazy and we've got bags. I'm not carrying them up the porch steps and then the stairs to the second floor." I pointed out before pushing the garage door up and saw Shawn's bike was in there with a tarp. "Either my buddy is home and I won't be able to give you the tour, or, our other mate picked him up."
I helped Penelope bring her things in before shutting the garage door again and headed inside with her. I quickly showed her around and saw the mess that was around the place, making me shake my head.
"Your friend a slob?"
"Slightly. After a few days, he gets into a weird cleaning mode and goes about." I told before heading upstairs with our suit cases and she followed after me.
"There's a lot of news articles." She pointed out and I could tell she wanted to read them more but since I kept moving, she couldn't.
"Yeah. Some are my cases, some are my buddies. They run their own agency that works with the police here. And some are both of ours since we both worked the case." I told before tossing my things into my room and saw a bunch of his clothes were thrown about and it looked like a depressed person had been living in there.
'Yeah I'm gonna need to check up on him with that.'
I shut the door before Penelope could fully look in and I had her follow me to the guest room furthest from us since I didn't want her to hear anything from me or Shawn incase we get up to anything.
"And this will be your room for the week or so that you are here. I've got like a month or so off, so you'll probably head back before me." I informed her as we walked in and put her things down.
"This is a nice place."
"Thanks. We had fun putting our stuff around and seeing what worked with what." I admitted.
"But seriously," she began making me give her a confused look. "How many guitars do you have? Cause I think I've seen 20 in this place."
"A lot." I told before leaving to check the old bug room I had, which now was just filled with my collection of taxidermy insects that I had framed all over the place.
I was surprised to see it was all dusted and clean, even saw the snake skeleton display Shawn got me for Christmas now had a case over it and that was spotless.
'He really kept this room clean.'
I went over to the board to see what Shawn was working on since once my live bugs were taken out and either came with me or went to Jack since he could take care of the ones that needed more care then others, we turned it into the office and converted the other room into another spare room. I looked at the board to see he had random pictures about and different information. Of course some of the things on the board was screenshots from videos that someone had done at the club I used to work at and one of them was the Salt n pepper man.
'Weird. What are you working on Shawn?'
"This room is interesting." Penelope told as she walked in and looked at the stuff.
"Yeah. I used to keep bugs in here. Ignore the symbol on the ceiling."
"This is the room you nearly died in?"
"Yeah. It happens." I told before seeing something, making me lean to see it was the motel me, Dean and Sam was shot in.
'Yeah I will need to question Shawn on this when I get the chance.'
"This is very detailed work. You had this prepared or something?" Penelope asked as she came next to me.
"Na. It's something my.... Buddy is workin' on. Let's go." I told before guiding her out of the room.
"You good?"
"Not our case. Besides, he's..... unique to say the least."
"How unique?"
"You know how I spurt nonsense every now and then?"
"Ok. Times that by 10. And you kinda get him."
"And how did you meet?" She asked as I started to walk again and she quickly followed after me.
"Oh. My family moved in a house or two down from his. His father saw me and Peter when he was returning to work. So he figured to have him and another friend of ours introduce themselves with cookies. Those were good cookies as well. We have been friends ever since." I explained as I headed to the garage out back for a car.
"Is the bike in the garage also yours?"
"Na. That's my buddy's. We actually got into an accident once cause of a spelling bee tournament." I told before opening the garage door and found my Blue Ford Thunderbird. "Oh you are still gorgeous."
"You don't own all of these do you?" She asked making me nod.
"I've got money to burn and I love me a vintage car." I told before jumping in and signalled Penelope to jump in.
Once she was seated, I started her up and couldn't help but smile at how she purred.
"Listen to that. That's the sound of heaven." I told her before I pulled out and headed to the side where it was obvious that it was for a boat passage originally.

Ash and An Evening With Mr. YangWhere stories live. Discover now