The Case of Mr. Yang.

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We all gathered around in the big area as Karen spoke, showing a letter they had gotten today on the projector screen.
"We received the following letter about an hour ago. It has been authenticated. It's from the Yin-Yang killer." She explained to all of us. "Pay close attention."
"Hey, everybody, I'm back, for one night only. I'm going to kill someone tonight. Guess who? Guess where? Guess how? This is going to be so much fun. Signed, Mr. Yang." Lassie read out to us as Shawn rested his arm over my shoulders.
"He's looking for a new challenger. That's what he does." She added before Lassie continued.
"Chief, I believe he's speaking to me. Trust me, I'm ready." Lassie told making Shawn scoff as I chuckled, causing people to look at me.
"Sorry. But come on Lassie, what makes you think it's you?" I asked.
"Aren't you meant to be dead?" He questioned.
"Despite many people's efforts, no! I'm as alive as those squirrels you shoot at and miss."
"Trust me Harper...."
"Don't call me Harper, Lassie. We've been over this."
"Trust me. It's me." He told before Karen pressed a button to show what the rest of the letter read.
'P.S. ... Oh, and bring your psychic along.'
"You were saying?" I asked Lassie before Shawn spoke since everyone was looking towards Shawn.
"Well, come on people. He could be talking
about anybody. Look, just last week, Officer Jankowicz guessed my favorite variety of snack cracker. Tuscan wheat, it's really obscure." Shawn stated making her press the button again and showed the picture of me and Shawn uncovering the t-Rex skull.
Of course my face was scratched out and the yin yang symbol was in the corner.
"That's concerning." Me and Shawn told at the whole face being scratched out.
"Also I would like to say. Karen, you are doing an excellent job at proving everyone wrong."
"Thank you Ash."
"She can call you Ash?" Penelope whispered.
"Not now, Penelope. There is a murderer on the loose." I whispered back.
"They haven't murdered anyone yet."
"That's cause they disappear and reappear every so often." I explained.
"Why hasn't the BAU been brought in?"
"We aren't bringing the BAU in."
"I'll call Hotch."
"Do not call Aaron. Don't call anyone about it. It's fine."
"Not even Spencer?"
"No. Cause he will freak out and tell the others. It's fine."
"You two good?" Karen asked.
"Aces! Just convincing Penelope not to bring in the BAU, cause I'm not really meant to be working cause I got stabbed in the arm and have like a month off."
"It's never normal when you are home." Shawn admits.
"Nope." I told before giving everyone a thumbs up so we could refocus on the situation on hand.
"What do we have on his description?" Gus asked.
"We don't. We've never had any age, ethnicity or physical description. The harsh truth is that this is his game. And we just have to play along with him." Karen explained.
"That's a terrific plan. Especially since it's worked out so well in the past." Shawn sarcastically stated.
"Yeah but we've got the finder of things people want kept hidden." I pointed out.
"Ash does have the freaky gift of finding stuff out and tracking things down." Shawn told as him, Gus and me pointed towards me in agreement before Buzz spoke.
"Chief, the Mayor's on the phone." He informed her.
"Hey Buzz!"
"Hey Ash... aren't you meant to be dead?"
"Why does everyone think that?" I questioned.
"No clue Babe." Shawn quickly told before anyone else could speak.
"Oh, here we go. Detective Lassiter, introduce Shawn and Ash to our point person." She told before rushing off.
"Spencer, Ashley, listen up." Lassie began before Shawn went into his Psychic mode.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Getting... I'm getting something already." He started before grabbing my hand and we rushed to wherever he was being 'guided'.
"What? What is it?" Lassie asked.
"I can see the killer."
"Already?" He asked in shock.
"Yes. And I know exactly where he is." He told before pointing to the guy wearing glasses and sitting down as he looked at his phone. " Right there. Come on, that's our guy."
"Shawn." Jules started as she cleared her throat and moved her a bit away. "Shawn, that is Mary Lightly, our profiler from the Serial Homicide and Abduction Task Force."
"That's a long name." I pointed out making Jules give me a look. "What it is. And people wonder why we say we are apart of the BAU."
"He is very familiar with the patterns of our killer."
"And how to make an attractive lamp out of human skin." Shawn told making me shudder. "That's what gets you?"
"After being held hostage in a barn and having to kill like ten people with an axe, yes."
"I suppose that's fair." He told before Jules got our attention again.
"Shawn, play nice. He's a genius, and we need him."
"She didn't tell me...."
"You too Ash." Jules told.
"Dang it." I told before we were dragged back over to him.
"Mary, this is..." Jules began before Mary took over.
"Shawn Spencer and Ashley Harper, in the flesh." He told as he stood up.
"See? He said flesh." Shawn told as Gus and Penelope joined back up with us.
"You know them?" Lassie asked.
"I've done my research, okay?" Mary stated.
"Yeah, well, I've Googled myself, too, and there's a lot of stuff missing."
"I have as well. A lot of stuff about my mother is tied into it." I stated.
"This is my partner, Sterling Cooper." Shawn told pointing to Gus and Mary put his hand out like he was a Victorian lady.
"Hello." He told unsure.
"And this is my good friend Penelope. Who's our tech girl back at the BAU." I explained.
"Oh we are good friends but I can't call you Ash."
"Penelope not now." I whispered.
"So what's Mary short for? Marion?" Shawn asked making him give a loud exhale.
"Great, we're all good friends. Care to shed a little light on this subject?" Lassie told so we'd all focus on the Yang situation.
"Mr. Yang is the most notorious killer this city has never seen."
"Lovely." I sarcastically stated.
"He claimed six victims in the summer of 1995, and has resurfaced twice, claiming a single victim in each instance. He only resurfaces when he feels there's a worthy opponent." He explained to us.
"That's why the BAU hasn't been notified." Penelope quietly told.
"Yep. And I would rather keep it that way." I informed her, matching her volume.
"Now, his M.O. Is to challenge us with the opportunity to save the victims by solving his riddles." Mary informed us before Shawn raised his hand.
"Question, regarding the whole Mary thing."
"My father's name was Mary. His father before him was named Mary, and his father before him was named Craig." Mary explained.
"Fair enough. Proceed."
"Yin-Yang. The origin of this Chinese symbol is the unity of opposites. Two opposing,
and at the same time, complimentary aspects. Dark versus light. Killer versus cop. Kramer versus Kramer." Mary continued as he went to the projector.
"It's not only that. It more represents the philosophy of life. Not only is there everything, there's also nothing. In everything there is nothing and in nothing there is everything. Fullness in the emptiness. Sadness in the happiness. It represents the philosophy that life is incredibly non-dualistic, meaning there is a little bit of something in everything. In the good there is bad and the bad there is good. Everything in life has a balance that is as a human race strive to achieve." I pointed out.
"I like you." Mary admitted.
"I always forget you are smart." Lassie pointed out before looking towards Mary. "Just show him the riddle."
Mary pressed a button, showing a photograph of a t-Rex skull in the museum before then showing us a telegram slip with the riddle on it.
"She serves the General well today
whose soldiers wait to die.
In a white river they shall pay
for them she will not cry.
Who is she?" Juliet read out to all of us.
"Now, this riddle came with this stopwatch already running." Mary added as he pulled it out of his pocket and it beeped. "One of his classic moves."
"This guy is weird." I whispered to Shawn, Gus and Penelope.
"We've got one hour and ten minutes, people." He informed us all.
"Generals and soldiers. She'd be in the military. McNab!" Lassie shouted making me flinch and cover my ears in reflex.
"Yes, sir!" Buzz told right next to him, making Lassie jump.
"Damn it. I want you to contact every military base in an 80-mile radius." Lassie started as Shawn took my hand and dragged me over to the riddle. "Find out if any female personnel have gone AWOL in the last 48 hours."
"There's something wrong with this." I pointed out to Shawn.
"Can you tell what?"
"Not yet, but I'm working on it."
"And bear in mind, it's the psychic that he wants to play with. Each riddle will relate to him, personally." Mary pointed out.
"Do you have any thoughts, Shawn? Ash?"
"Yes, Jules, I do." Shawn told as he looked back towards the others. " First of all, his rhyming skills are rudimentary at best. 'Today' and 'pay'? 'Die' and 'cry'? Come on.
That's bush league."
"He's got a point." I told before him and Lassie got into a fight.
"It's bush, Lassy!"
"Spencer, Ashley stop screwing around. Get on with it." Lassie ordered.
"Jokes on you Lassie! Authority doesn't work on me, incase you forgot!" I pointed out before Mary spoke.
"Thus far..." he began before we heard Henry.
"Shawn!" He called making me and Shawn share a look.
"Scratch that. One authority works on me." I told to the others.
"Who's that?" Penelope asked Gus.
"Shawn's father and Ash's father figure." He told her.
"Excuse us." Shawn told before the two of us rushed after Henry.
"Hey, did I miss a memo? I thought Bring Your Daddy to Work Day was next week." Shawn joked as I stayed slightly back.
"I forbid you to be a part of this, Shawn. You're coming with me." Henry told as he went to drag Spencer off only for the two to instead switch places since Shawn wasn't going anywhere.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Forbid me? I'm familiar with your hands-on approach to parenting, but I'm not 27 anymore. I can do whatever I want."
"This guy knows about you, he knows about
everybody you care about. Think about that.
You don't catch this son of a bitch, kid, you're never going to sleep again."
"Yeah I remember from the report Ash and Peter did on the guy when they were eight and I was twelve." Shawn pointed out.
"Then you know you shouldn't play his game."
"Would you tell Ash to stop?" He asked.
"Yes I would. But I can't, cause she's gone Shawn. If I could, I would go back in time and tell her not to go undercover and to tell Erin to sod off, so we didn't lose her. But I can't."
"Told you I'm his favourite." I told Shawn.
"So unfair." Shawn stated as Henry gave me a shocked look.
"Hey dad." I told with a smile as I moved closer to him and he pulled me into a hug.
"It's actually you."
"I would hope so." I told before we pulled apart.
"What happened?"
"Oh we took down this large city wide corrupt police, I got stabbed in the arm, went to hospital for a wee bit, got out of hospital, went to Virginia where I proceeded to put Peter in a choke hold cause he was a dumb ass and tried to fight me with one of those plastic bats, then was told two days ago I am a-okay to fly around again." I explained as he cupped my face.
"I'm just glad you are back. Cause you can help tell my son how stupid this is."
"Please don't be mad."
"Feel like I'm getting there already."
"Fair. But, I'm already, sorta, kinda, helping."
"Of course you are." He sighed out.

"Spencer, Ashley," Karen called making us look towards her. "55 minutes."
She walked off making us look back towards Henry.
"Go home, Dad. I've got this." Shawn told him. "Go home."
"It's good to see you alive and well, Bunny." He told before glaring towards Shawn and headed off.
"You as well." I told as I gave him a wave and me as Shawn headed back to the others.
"Sorry, guys. My dad was just dropping off my Zodiac DVD." Shawn joked to lighten the mood.
"Can we focus, please?" Lassie shouted, making me flinch.
"Lassie we've been over this. Avoid shouting in front of Ash." Shawn told making him glare at us.
"It's fine. Let's focus on this." I told them, making Lassie start.
"In a white river they shall pay.'  His seventh victim washed up on shore. Maybe there's a..." Lassie began only for Mary to slightly slam something on the projector causing me to flinch again.
"No! There's never a repeat performance. Okay? Each victim is a new masterpiece, and the first riddle is always a gimme. This guy is itching to play the game. Think about the last 24 hours." Mary explained making Shawn realise something.
"Gus! Gus, I got it. I mean, I know who the General is. His name is Mills." Shawn told.
"General Mills, the cereal manufacturer?" Jules questioned.
"Of course it's General Mills!" I told realising what he was on about.
"The white river is milk, and the soldiers are cereal." We both told as one since we were on the same wavelength.
"So who is she?" Jules asked making him get a worried look.

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