Some form of normality.

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Once we were both on the ground, Penelope and Gus came rushing over and tackled her into a hug.
"Oh ok. We are hugging." She told like she usually did.
"I thought I was gonna have to call the team to tell them you were in the hospital or worse." Penelope admitted making Ash rub her back.
"It's ok. I'm safe now." she told even though we both knew she was still struggling with it herself.

Once Ash was made sure she was ok and had her own hugs from Jules and surprisingly Lassie, Yang was secured in one of the police cars. We watched her leave in the police car and when we did, she leaned towards the window to smile at me. Making me think what she said to me.

"Think about it on your date tonight."

I thought back to every place we went to today and she was behind a computer at the station, she was a maid at the hotel before we broke into the room mum and Ash was taken from, she was taking photos in the morning and she was also reading a newspaper behind Gus when we were having lunch. I looked towards Gus slightly and was just in utter shock.
"She was there. Gus, she was there the whole time."
"You got her, Shawn. End of story." He pointed out.

(Ash p.o.v)

"Penelope can you please stop hugging me. I'm fine." I told back in my usual accent she was used to.
"I'm scared that if I let go, then this will all be fake and you are gone." She admitted.
"Penelope I assure you. This is real. Please let me go." I told making her do so.
"Fine. But in return, we are gonna have to have breakfast and lunch and dinner together for a whole week."
"It's a date." I told her, making her smile again before we were joined up by Mary.
"Congratulations, Spencer." He told in his usual tone over everything.
"Don't be too excited there, Mary. It's not like we just apprehended Santa Barbara's most notorious killer or anything." Gus sarcastically told.
"You're right, Gus. I'm sorry to fly off the handle." He told making me throw my arms up in confusion over this whole thing.
'This bish.'
"I've spent the last 13 years of my life with this person. I have to find a new hobby." He admitted.
"Two words. Racquetball." Shawn told him as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders to just know I wasn't his imagination.
"That could work." Mary told with a small smile.
"Is that an emotion, Mary?" I playfully asked, making him shake his head but I knew he enjoyed it.
"Thanks for your help, man. I needed it." Shawn admitted making me reach up and squeezed his hand to let him know I was here.
"Gus, you play racquetball?" Mary asked.
"Goodbye, Mary." He told in annoyance making me chuckle as Mary put his hand out like he usually did for hand shakes, making Shawn use his free hand to shake it.
"Until next time." He told us.
"Okay. Okay." Shawn told before he left us.
"Seriously that guy is bonkers." Penelope whispered once he was out of ear shot.
"Oh thank god you felt it." I told.
"Seriously creeps me out." Gus admitted.
"What's with the hand thing?" Shawn questioned as we began to walk off.
"I won't lie. Thought at one point he was Yang." I admitted.
"So did I but I didn't want to say anything!" Penelope told making us smile that we were back to some form of normality.

I was with Shawn as we went to go check on his parents. When we found them, they were sitting on the bench and Madeline had a blanket wrapped around her.
"Mom! Let's get you out of here. What do you need? What can I do?" Shawn asked her.
"Let's see. You already got me kidnapped by a raging sociopath..." she told making Henry put his hands up and moved away as I laughed at what she said.
"Sorry. Nervous reaction." I told before Henry hugged me. "Oh ok. We are hugging."
"I don't know what I would have done if I lost you again." Henry admitted.
"I'd have haunted your ass." I slightly joked making him chuckle before we pulled apart and he kissed the top of my head.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Oh but of course. Gotta have Penelope properly meet my very first father figure." I told making him smile before he messed my hair up.
I gave him an annoyed look that I knew he would take as me playing around before he headed off and Shawn took Henry's seat before having me sit next to him, but made sure to hand my legs over his since he still needed some form of connection to me.
"Right. Check. What else?" He asked as we looked towards his mother.
"If it's to call me bunny, you've always had permission despite me being awkward around you." I pointed out making her smile at us.
"Nothing! Nothing, goose, bunny. I'm really fine." She told us, but I could tell Shawn still wanted to help her. "Your father's been taking very good care of me."
We both looked over at Henry to see him shake hands with someone before continuing his way to his car.
"If I'm not mistaken, you have a very important date tonight." She pointed out.
"Oh my gosh you do? They must be a lucky gal." I joked making the two smile.
"It's Patrick Swayze and Mr. Blobby." Shawn told making his mother chuckle.
"I'll beat them up." I told in complete seriousness only for his mother to think I was joking and kept laughing.
"No she's serious." Shawn whispered, though I still heard it.
"Patrick insulted my brother and I'm terrified of Blobby." I admitted.
"I see. But I'm serious about this date you have tonight." She stated.
"Oh, Mom, please, I can reschedule. Ash won't mind."
"I really don't."
"No, you both won't!" She told in her mother voice, making us look at her in slight shock. "I'm fine! The crazy bitch snuck up from behind me with chloroform after electrocuting Ash."
"That shit hurts. I really need to get past the whole weakness to cattle prodders." I admitted making Shawn squeeze my leg before rubbing it for comfort, but he stayed silent.
"Life is more than catching bad guys." She told the two of us. " You did a good deed today. Now it's time to go see about a girl."
When she told us that, me and Shawn look towards each other before looking down and we gave a snicker at how we were acting in front of his mother.
"It's time to go see about a..." Shawn started before tailing off, making Madeline laugh. "How you like them apples?"
I moved my legs off of Shawn so him and Madeleine could hug. I smiled at the two and she reached out for my hand and gave it a squeeze since we never fully got to the stage where I was open with hugging her a lot.
"You are a really good mother Madaline." I told her making her smile.
"And you are a fantastic daughter. Your mother would be so proud." She told making me smile as tears formed in my eyes from it before the two pulled away.
"Well played, Mom." Shawn told making her tap his arm. "All right."
Once he stood up, he offered his hand to me. I gave a smile before taking it and he pulled me up before we began to walk away. As we did, my phone began to ring making me grab it to see it was from Dean. I looked towards Shawn to see he had saw who he was and I gave a small smile.
"I can answer it later." I told him, making him shake his head.
"He's still your friend and you've been waiting for it. Besides, I know you will make the right decision for yourself."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure Bunny." He told me.
Before he could walk too far away from me, I quickly pulled him back and pulled him in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and put one in my hair as he held me close to him. After a few more rings, we pulled back and just smiled at one another.
"I'll be back."
"Ok." He told making me chuckle before I began to walk a bit away from him as I answered the phone. "Hey Dean. You guys good?"

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