The clue on the mirror.

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(Third p.o.v)

Mr Yang was making sure the ropes were tight enough so Ash couldn't escape so easily before the big final act.
"Do it tighter, I don't think I lost circulation yet." Ash sarcastically remarked in her natural accent as she moved slightly in her chair, causing Yang to chuckle in amusement.
"Now now, I chose the best spot for you, Bunny." Yang told her as they caressed her face before pulling some of their hair back behind their ear.
"Don't call me Bunny."
"Now now, don't be so rude."
"I'm sorry. But you kidnapped me!" She shouted making Yang cover her mouth.
"Scream any louder and I'll gag you. Got it?" Yang asked making Ash nod. "Such a good girl."
"Instead of the usual one death, you're what? Hoping for two?"
"Somewhat. It's such a shock to think the Gravedigger didn't succeed in killing you, where I might."
"Hate to be the one to inform you this. Death hasn't been known to stick to me."
"No one is truely able to avoid death." They pointed out to her.
"No I'm actually serious. I can't die at the moment. I'll die but I'll be forced back into my body like nothin happened."
"Guess we'll find out if your pretty boyfriend fails." Yang told Ash before forcing their head still and stuck tape over their mouth. "So pretty. No wonder Shawn hasn't dated anyone since you left. Wanna know a little secret."
Ash just glared towards Yang and struggled in her chair, causing Yang to chuckle.
"I waited for you to come back, since I knew you'd be the most gut wrenching victim for him. Enjoy the view." Yang told before leaning Ash's chair so she was stuck looking down at an angle and left Ash alone with her thoughts and tears welling up in her eyes.

(Shawn p.o.v)

"Okay, I sent a couple of officers over to Abigail Lytar's apartment, and she's fine. But I'm posting them on a watch until we can figure out what is going on." Karen informed me, making me nod.
We suddenly heard a noise in the broom closet of the room making police go over and hold their guns towards it. Lassie and Jules opened the bathroom door more and pointed towards it as one of the swat members pulled the door open, making us see Penelope holding her hands up as she had tears run down her face.
"I'm not Yang! I am not Yang!" She informed us, making Lassie signal for everyone to put their guns down.
"What happened to Ash?" I questioned as I went over and pulled her up before helped her out.
"Ash had a bad gut feeling and put me into the closet so I'd be safe and hidden. Then Yang came in and attacked her and your mother..... she electrocuted Ash to take her down." She explained before she hugged me for comfort, making me rub her back.
"Spencer, you need to get in here." Lassie called making me and Penelope join them in the bathroom to see what it said on the mirror.
"You should be moving, as most people do, but instead you sit and enjoy the vu. P.S. Mommy and Bunny says, 'Hi' and 'Bye'. Just in case." Lassie read out.
"VU.' Why did he spell it that way?" Gus questioned.
"Maybe that's the hint. Or maybe he ran out of lipstick." Mary told before drinking something weird.
"Brendan Vu. From the spelling bee." Gus suggested as I thought back and remembered a newspaper that had the e crossed out.
"Good guess, but it's a misdirect. I know exactly what he wants me to watch." I told before leaving the bathroom.
"You do?" Jules asked only for me to not say anything.

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