The Hobo fantasy.

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We waited on the platform and the train gave a whistle as it neared us.
"The train's right on time. That is outstanding." Lassie stated as he looked at his watch.
"Not gonna lie Lassie. You look like you'd enjoy trains."
"Really, Ash?"
"You like civil war re-enactments. Am I wrong in thinking that way?!"
"The cop that you hate to call your friend can call you Ash, but I still can't?!" Penelope questioned.
"Penelope for the last time. I've known these guys longer then you and the others on the team, minus Baby Face."
"Yet Juliet said it took her a couple of months."
"That's cause Juliet isn't you Penelope. She's met my family, she knows my uncle."
"Your team hasn't met your family?" Juliet questioned.
"No and I wanna keep it that way." I admitted before seeing the train slowly move closer.
"It's not going to stop." Mary pointed out.
"What?" Lassie questioned in confusion.
"It's not going to stop. This is just a pull-through station." Gus stated.
"What the hell are we doing here?" Lassie questioned.
"Time crunch Lassie!" I told before the train finally began to pass us.
"Come on!" Shawn told before running, making me and Gus share a look.
"What the..." Gus spoke before we took off after him.
"Stay with the cops, Pen!"
"Ley!" I shouted back as the three of us ran after the train.
"Where the hell are you going?" Lassie questioned only for us to not answer him.

"Come on, Gus, Bunny. This is our fantasy, man! It's like we're hobos." Shawn pointed out as we ran close behind the train.
"I don't have a hobo fantasy, Shawn."
"I stopped having one when Billy came and discovered mum had four more kids and was gone!" I admitted as Shawn's phone started to ring, making him pick it up.
"Abigail, you called me back!" Shawn told making me get confused.
"When did this happen?!"
"On the way to the cafe, Shawn called her cause he was worried Yang would target her." Gus informed me.
"That's so sweet. They aren't dating right?"
"No! He has been very clear in not wanting to date anyone since you went undercover. I think they were gonna hang out originally tonight as just a friend hang, but obviously that changed." He pointed out as Shawn was still on the phone with her.
"No, I can talk! Look, we were still totally on for tonight. But I'm going to have to push it back by a day or so." He informed her before she said something that related to our situation. " Holy crap, yes! Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing! How did......Hold on!"
He quickly held his phone out to Gus as we continued to try and keep up with the train.
"Tell Abigail what we're doing!" Shawn told, making Gus take it.
"It looks so slow! How is it so fast?!" I questioned.
"Hello, Abigail! It's Gus! We're chasing a train like hobos with Ash!....What?" He questioned before holding the phone out to me. " She wants to talk with you."
I quickly took it and placed it to my ear.
"Hey Abigail. Still trips me out my god daughter shares the same name as you!" I informed her.
"I thought you were dead."
"Apparently so does everyone else! I was just undercover, taking down a city full of corrupt cops and the gangs that had said cops. I'm so tired!" I explained.
"Uh-huh. Right, ok. Can I be given back to Shawn."
"Okie dokie." I told before holding it out to Shawn. "It's for you."
He took the phone back and put it to his ear to listen what she had to say.
"Look, I swear I'm telling the truth! I'm going to have to call you back!" He finally told before hanging up and we reached the part we needed.
We quickly grabbed on and pulled ourselves into the carriage. I laid on the floor while Gus got the stopwatch and Shawn dealt with the riddle.
"A moving picture
is worth a thousand words,
so read the story
and follow the birds.
P.S. Once you're there
you'll hear a phone.
You have eight rings
to pick up...or the girl is dead." He read out before showing me and Gus the last part as he said it out loud. " Shame on me, that didn't even rhyme."
"I wanna punch Yang in the dick." I admitted as I caught my breath.
"We have 27 minutes to solve this." Gus told making me sit up and move to be next to Shawn so we could get through the photos that were in the envelope.
The two of us quickly put the photos in the floor of the train and tried to work out what we were meant to be seeing.
"What do you see?" Gus asked as we looked at the scattered photos.
"Nothing. I don't see anything. Not yet." Shawn admitted.
"It's gonna form a flip book. Moving pictures, obviously isn't a movie. It's gotta be a flip book." I pointed out.
"I love having you back around Ash." Shawn admitted as we continued to look at the photos.
Of course we were interrupted when we heard footsteps like someone was running and then Mary came into view panting.
"Oh, wait, I do see something." Shawn pointed out.
"Yeah that really is something." I added.
"What? What is it?" Gus asked.
"I think you're going to want to see this. It's pretty good." Shawn told before the three of us moved to the opening to see Mary was still running.
"Let me on." He told making us reach down and grabbed him before pulling him in.

"Mary, I'm surprised it took you so long. You seemed to spry." Shawn pointed out as he leaned against one of the walls and I leaned against him
"Ankle weights." He informed them before pulling his pants legs up to show us. "I always wear them. Even when I sleep. I read about it in Men's Fitness. Totally reinvigorated Ryan Reynolds' career."
"Mary imma be honest here, you keep surprising me. Which takes a lot of work to do and I am not hatin' having you around." I admitted as I slipped into my accent since I was too tired to try and hide it.
"Thanks.  So what's the riddle? How can I help?" He asked making Shawn look at the photos.
"A moving... A moving picture. A moving picture is worth a thousand words." He stated before crouching down and collected a bunch together.
He put them in the order he believed them to be, before flicking through it. I looked over his shoulder to watch it be what appeared to be Gus's hand throwing something away.
"You've got to be kidding me. You've got to be kidding me!" Shawn shouted causing me to flinch. "Sorry Bunny. But,  I got it! I solved it! Let's go!"
"Oh god we gonna start running again. I haven't done this much running in so long." I whined before stretching out to get ready.

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