The big show down!

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After we informed dad on the fact Yang had taken both mum and Ash, he met us at the cinema to help. We all walked up to figure out how we were going to find them.
"This is like a needle in a haystack made completely out of needles." Mary pointed out, which wasn't helpful to think since we could lose my mother and Ash only just getting her back. "Looks like we're at the end game."
"All right, we know he used the waitress's car, so there's a good chance..." Lassie started before Mary took over.
"It's definitely a chance. What kind of car does your wife drive?" He asked towards Dad but I started to think back to the parking lot if Ash was there.
"She rents when she's down here." Dad told before I remembered not seeing her car at all.
"It's not mums car." I informed them, making them look towards me.
"Ash has a few vintage cars back at the house. Her favourite one she has is her Veteran Era car but she's working on that, and after that is her blue Ford thunderbird. Look for that, she was driving it earlier. Gus we're looking for a blue car. Ford thunderbird, the top will be up." I told him before rushing off to find them.
"People, we're looking for a blue car! A ford thunderbird!" Gus told before rushing after me.
"Go, go, go!"
"All right, split up. Squad, cover the exits!" Lassie ordered as they all split up before time ran out.
I rushed through the rows and found some that looked like Ash's car, only for it to not belong to her. I ran into someone making me put my arm out as an apology.
"Hey, man! Watch where you're going!" He shouted as I continued to look.
'This will take too long.'
I quickly jumped onto the hood of the car next to me and looked around for her car.
"Hey! Get off!" A woman shouted but I ignored it.
"Get off the car!" Another one shouted before I jumped onto the next car hood to keep looking.
When I saw nothing, I jumped again. Causing the woman in the car to scream. I looked around before I saw her license plate that had a bunny sticker on it like all her other licenses since me, Gus and Ash got drunk one time and stuck them on as a joke.
"Get off my car, man!" Someone shouted before I jumped down and slowly made my way towards her car.
I looked into the side view mirror and saw my mother sitting there with tape on her mouth. I leaned into the opened window so she could look at me without moving her head.
"Hey, Ma." I quietly told before seeing Ash wasn't in the car and I looked down to see a sign around her chest.
'Mommy says pretty please don't squeeze.'
"Shawn! Shawn!" Dad shouted as he ran over making me move my hand to signal to be quiet.
"Shh, shh! Dad, get down, get down." I told him making him sit on the floor and lean against Ash's car since I saw the red dot on the back of her head.
I pointed it out to dad, making him look at it before we both looked towards the cinema where it was coming from.
"Oh, jeez." He muttered. "Is Bunny in there at least?"
"She isn't. She's either with Yang or hopefully alive somewhere else." I told him making him rub his hand across his forehead as he thought.
I saw Jules and Lassie jogging as they looked for the car before seeing me. They followed my gaze to the projector room. I watched them rush to deal with it before I realised it was just a laser pointed.
"Wait.... Mom. I'm going to take this off, okay?" I told her as I reached in and carefully grabbed the corner of the tape.
"It's okay." I whispered to her before peeling it off her skin, allowing her to speak.
"It's just a decoy." She quickly informed me.
"I know. I see that." I told her as I carefully put a hand on her shoulder. "Do you know where Bunny is?"
"No. The two fought before Ash was electrocuted and once we got here, Yang separated us." She explained making me nod as I tried not to think the worst at this time.
I looked down into the popcorn box and saw there was a flashing light and faint beeping in it, making me get worried,
"Oh, my God." I muttered as I leaned back so dad could see me and I leaned down towards him. "Dad, she's strapped."
"Oh, God, no." He spoke in shock before I leaned back in towards mum.
"Mom, where is he?" I asked her.
She used her eyes to signal they were to the left of her. I followed the direction before standing up and looked into the car down a bit further down to see a woman eating popcorn. After she put a piece in, she looked towards me before revealing the remote she held in her hand. Once she knew I saw it, she lowered it and gave a smile as she signalled with her head to have me come talk to her. I signalled dad to not move and slowly made my way towards her. As I neared, I saw she was alone in the car, making me get worried we were already too late to save Ash. I looked around a bit before opening the door of her own vintage car before climbing in next to her and sat down. Once I shut the door, I slowly looked towards her to see the smile she had on her face as she held the remote and she gave a chuckle before speaking.
"Okay. All right, be honest with me. You're surprised, right? I'm prettier than you thought I'd be." She told making me her look towards her in confusion. "It's the bone structure."
"I won. I beat you. That was the deal. Let my mom and Ash go." I told her.
"You are just amazing. Just my most, most admirable foe." She told as she moved the remote slightly, making me have to try not just keep my focus on it. "But then, see, I knew you would be. That's why I chose you."
"Because I'm... I'm your yin." I told her only for her to stay silent. "Well, that's sweet. Thank you for that. But you're completely surrounded. There's no way out of this for you."
"Now now Shawn. Would hate for your pretty girlfriend to fall." Yang told making me give her a confused look.
"Where is she? Where's Ash?" I asked wanting to know after finding out we weren't too late for her.
"The best view anyone could ever get of the area. She's a great fighter, it took a cattle prouder for her to finally fall. Just like what happened with the Gravedigger." She told making herself chuckle. "Just did some play on words, and one push of this button will be the end of her."
"That's to the bomb attached to my mother." I pointed out making her smile.
"It is. Not only to her, but also to the device keeping your lovely lady from her fall." She told before pointing towards the top of the screen.
I followed where she was pointing to see Ash was on a chair leaning over the edge at the top of the screen, making me want to rush to let her know she wasn't alone but knew I couldn't.
"I swear to god if you hurt her I will make you regret it." I admitted to her as tears formed in my eyes but she just ignored with a smile.
"Hey, you know what I love about this movie, Shawn? Its great resolution. Okay, so call me old-fashioned, but really, is there anything more satisfying than a solid ending? You call me a killer, but the truth is, I complete things. And that is what people really want, to feel complete. That, and a corner booth." She explained to me and I just continued to try to keep my emotions in check. " And now, our story, that we created so beautifully together, is going to end. But how? Do you want to know what it is? Or do you want to be surprised?"
I let out a sigh before looking around to see everyone surrounded us and pointed their guns towards us. I moved my hand up and signalled for them to stop moving by making a slicing motion with my hand pointed to my neck.
"Stand down! Stand down!" Lassie informed the others, making them all back up and Yang let out a sigh.
"Let me guess. You want to die, right?" I asked making her smile towards me. "That's the perfect resolution? Gee, that's original. You're a cliché?. You're a knockoff of a knockoff."
"I could have killed your mom and girlfriend hours ago, Shawn. This switch has such a light touch, like pinching a baby's cheek.... And then, boom! Splat!" She shouted making me flinch from it since I thought she was going to press it for a split second. "She blows up and the bunny flys."
I just stared in shock as I used my hand to cover my mouth, trying to compose myself.
"How much fun would that be to see? Oh, it gives me shivers, I want to do that so badly!" She informed me as I slightly shook that she was about to do it with the way she acted while she let out a sigh. "But then, you wouldn't like me, Shawn. And I want you to like me. Oh, God, I'm so torn."
I knew she was looking towards me again but I was refusing to meet her eyes at the moment and just kept my focus on the remote she held in her hand. She of course was able to compose herself again and began to speak like she wasn't going on about wanting to kill my mother and Ash.
"I need you to like me, because we're going to be working together again." She informed me, making me finally looked at her again.
"Oh, no, no, no, no. You're going to rot in a cell with four padded walls. The end." I stated making her lean slightly towards me.
"No. The end of the beginning." She corrected me. "I'm going to write a book. Our story. It's going to be epic. A bestseller. And guess what? I want you to write the forward."
"Pass." I quickly told her, making her look forward.
"Okay." She told with a nod before looking back towards me and showed me the remote. "But think about it on your date with Ash tonight."
She held the remote out to me and I looked towards her to make sure she was serious and wasn't going to kill the two. I slowly reached out to grab it and once I had my grasp on it, I quickly pulled it out of her hand to make sure she didn't change her mind. As I got out of the car she laughed at my reaction and I made sure it was ok before holding it into the air.
As soon as I informed them, they all rushed towards Yang so she didn't escape.
"Take the subject! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" Lassie ordered and I waited till I saw dad take mum out of the car and away from the bomb before I carefully gave the remote to a swat member.
"Where's Ash?!" Juliet exclaimed when she saw she wasn't in the car.
"We need to get her down from there!" I quickly informed them, before rushing towards the screen.
Once I got to the side she was closest to, I began to quickly climb the ladder.
'Please don't let anything happen to her.'
Once I got to the top of the screen I carefully made my way to her and began to pull her back.
"Hey sweetie. I'm going to help you get down from here." I told her as I pulled the tape off of her mouth.
"Shawn?" She struggled to ask as her voice was hoarse and cracked as she spoke.
"Yeah it's me. I'm so sorry I didn't know you were taken sooner."
"It's fine. I'm known for not doing well with phones." She told with a small chuckle as I pulled her back further and tried to undo the ropes.
"How tight are these things?"
"Check my boots. I should have knifes to help." She told making me reach in and grab the pocket knife she kept.
"Wow you have taken what dad does to another level."
"I traveled with hunters. Sometimes a Swiss Army knife isn't enough, so I carry both." She told with a shaky breath.
Once I got the ropes undone, I got her arm to make sure she didn't fall before letting the ropes fall. I pulled her off the seat and held her in my arms as I rested against the back of the top of the screen.
"I've got you. I'm not letting you go."
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. It's all my fault." She cried into my arms, making me hold her and comfort her as best as I could.
"Shhhh. It's not your fault Ash. None of this is your fault."
"No Shawn." She started as she pulled away and looked at me, showing her tear ridden face. "She waited till I returned. She knew everything."
"Ashley, this isn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself for that. Ok?" I asked making her nod.
"Ok." She told making me rest our foreheads together.
'Thank you god for protecting her.'

Ash and An Evening With Mr. YangWhere stories live. Discover now