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I drove towards the police station since my gut was telling me to and Penelope was looking at a tourist spot map.
"There's quite a lot to do in this town. I don't think a week is enough time." She pointed out.
"It'll be fine. Take another week off if you need to. But, me and my buddies will happily show you the more unknown perks of this town." I stated.
"What if your friends don't like me?"
"They will..... actually one guy won't. But it's fine, he's a dick most days. Don't worry your pretty lil head." I told giving her head a pat before I pulled into the police parking lot.
We climbed out and headed in, instantly seeing how chaotic it was at the moment.
"Well this is unnatural." I admitted.
"It's not usually this hectic?"
"Nope. Wonder where the others are?" I questioned before heading further into the chaos to find someone I knew.
'Wow, it is busy.'
I walked further into the station and kept dodging people rushing about as Penelope tried to keep up with my long legs.
'Where the hell is Shawn? The tracker said he was here.'
"Ash! Please slow down." Penelope begged making me stop and grab her hand before I continued to walk.
I soon found Juliet at her desk looking for something making me get the cupcake I had stop and brought for her. I went over to her and kept a hand connected to Penelopes, so I didn't lose her in the mess. Once I was close I leaned a bit next to Jules to see if I could figure out what she was after.
"What are you looking for?" I asked before I signalled to Penelope to not say a thing.
"I need a file. It's for the new case we have." She explained.
"What's it called?"
"It's the Mr. Yang one." She told still not realising it was me.
"This one?" I asked grabbing the one that had fallen on the floor and she looked to see it.
"Yes. Thank you." She told as I gave it to her.
"No problem. Also got you the cupcake you enjoy." I added giving that to her as well.
"That's so sweet. Thanks Ash....." she spoke before realising what she said and looked towards me again. "Ash?"
"You're meant to be undercover."
"I'm no longer undercover. It finished like almost 2 weeks, I got stabbed in the arm so I was in hospital to make sure I was all good to go on planes till like two days ago. Now I'm here, where's Shawn?"
"Somewhere. But oh my god you're back!" She slightly exclaimed as she gave me a hug.
"Oh ok. We are hugging. Always forget you are a huge hugger." I pointed out as I hugged her back.
"I just can't believe you are back, Ash!" She told before finally pulling away. "We gotta get you to see Shawn. Things are crazy here."
"I can see. Mr. Yang back again?"
"You know?" She asked making me nod.
"Yeah, Henry showed me an old file when I was younger since I was really curious about the case and was doing a report on it with Peter."
"Well, we have another expert on this. Their name is Mary, and Mr. Yang is their specialty." She explained.
"What did I just witness?" Penelope questioned making us look at her.
"Oh yes! Jules, this is a friend of mine from the BAU. She's our brilliant tech girl, Penelope Garcia."
"Nice to meet you Penelope. I'm Juliet, Ash calls me Jules along with Shawn. Who will be so excited to see you are back!" Juliet told before taking my hand and dragging me off to find Shawn.
"She can call you Ash and hug you?" Penelope asked.
"I've known her longer then you." I pointed out.
"It took her like a couple of months from our meeting for her to allow me to call her Ash and to hug her." Juliet explained.
"I still can't do that." Penelope stated.
"We've hugged." I pointed out.
"Yeah when you nearly died by people that kidnapped you and when you were leaving."
"And when I was almost killed the other time. Three times I can count."
"How come she can't do it yet?" Juliet whispered.
"One of those things where I didn't want to get too close cause I didn't know what was gonna happen." I whispered back.
"Makes sense."
"Really does."
"I just can't help but smile that you are back."
"You're acting like I was dead Jules." I joked making her just smile.
"Well you were gone for a year and a bit." She pointed out after she looked at Penelope.
"Guess so."
'That's weird.'

We soon found Shawn and Gus looking at a box of donuts. Jules of course got called away, making her rush to do so and I continued to make my way towards the boys and made sure Penelope was close by.
"Why are there no bear claws?" Shawn questioned.
"I thought you found bear claws boring?" Gus asked before he saw me and I signalled for him to stay quiet so I could still surprise Shawn.
"I do. But they remind me of Ash."
"Uh Shawn....."
"I should have just gone undercover with her like I wanted to. Then I wouldn't have to miss her so much and I could have protected her from what happened."
"The house is so boring without her around or being able to talk to her over the phone."
"What man?! I miss her, I can't help but miss her, she's been gone for at least a year. I just want to see her again and hug her and never let go again. But I can't, cause she's gone." He told making me smile as tears began to form in my eyes.
"Maybe you should turn around." He told and I could tell Shawn was confused.
"Turn around? Gus she's not going to be coming back for a long....." he began to tell as he turned around to see me. "....Time. Ash?"
"Hey Shawn."
"Ash!" He exclaimed as he rushed over and pulled me into a hug. "I thought you were gone or couldn't risk coming here? Nothing is making sense right now but I don't care. I'm just glad you are back!"
"I'm no longer undercover. We caught the guys about 2 weeks ago but I had to stay in hospital cause I got stabbed in the arm and they needed to make sure that was a-ok. And then I couldn't go on planes once I landed back in Virginia with my team for awhile more." I explained.
"Please never leave again." He told before we pulled apart and he quickly pulled me into a kiss.
"Shawn." I was able to finally say when I was able to pull back enough. "1) we are in the police station. 2) I would like to say hi to Gus."
"Fine. But, I am taking you on a date tonight after this whole thing."
"I'll hold you to it." I told making us smile before I turned to Gus. "I'm glad to see you as well."
"Glad you are back." He told as we hugged.
When we pulled back I began to be shaken, making me remember Penelope was with me.
"This is my friend Penelope." I informed the two.
"Oh she's the girl who helped over Christmas and I helped you with that signed photograph." Shawn told making me nod.
"Penelope please stop shaking me." I told making her stop.
"I'm sorry. But how dare you not tell me you were dating Shawn Spencer!"
"We aren't dating right now. We went on a break while I went undercover."
"She wants your baby's, Shawn." I told making her start to blush.
"I did not say that."
"She also wanted me to help her track down where you lived, despite the fact she's staying with us." I added.
"That's why you weren't letting me look at stuff!"
"I didn't want you to faint."
"It's nice to meet one of Ash's good friends at the BAU." He told as he shook her hand and gave it a kiss on the back, making her get giddy.
"And this is our other bestie from childhood."
"You were childhood best friends with Bud?!" She asked making me and Shawn hold back our laughter and look away since we knew Gus was giving us an annoyed look.
"Did you tell her I played Bud?" Gus asked as me and Shawn started to laugh.
"No. But gods I love that." I told.
"I'm not Bud." Gus corrected her, only for me and Shawn to signal that he was and quickly stop whenever he looked our way.
"Shawn Spencer! Will you and Gus please hurry up." Karen told as she went past us from her office. "Hello Ashley."
"Hey." I told with a wave as she continued to walk before stopping and turning back around to see I was actually there.
"No longer undercover?" She asked.
"But I thought..... oh never mind that. You can actually be of help to us with this." She told before she continued to go where she needed making us follow.

Ash and An Evening With Mr. YangWhere stories live. Discover now