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Why are they so obsessed with him dating someone? Are they scared that the press will think he's unfaithful? Or that he's a liar?

I mean, yeah, those things will affect your career, but is it really worth getting so worked up over it?

I shake away those thoughts and go on about my day. It's not my problem. I'm just here to do my job and then get the hell away from them.

Though, no matter how hard I try to convince myself that I don't care and to stop those thoughts from wandering into my mind, it's no use.

As I make myself coffee in the giant kitchen, overviewing the beautiful city of Barcelona, a thud rings out through the penthouse, which makes me jump and spill a little coffee.

It wasn't a soft bang or something like that, it was a thud like something very heavy fell.

I walk up the stairs, and am about to turn into the hall that leads to multiple bedrooms, where we are staying, Connor jumps out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me.

"Oh, my goodness. You scared me," I breathe heavily, a hand on my chest, feeling my heart beating like crazy.

"Oh, sorry," his eyes move behind me, then back to me. "Didn't mean to scare you," He says, pausing once again. "What are you doing up here?" He asks. Why does he look so fidgety? What the hell is going on here?

"I heard a thud. Is everything okay?" I ask, trying to look behind him, but he takes a step forward completely blocking my view.

"Yeah, I dropped something." He's lying. I know he is. People usually avoid eye contact when they lie.

"Oh. What did you drop?" I ask.

"My suitcase," he says, almost immediately.

"Ok, okay," I glance around, trying to find something weird, but there's nothing. "I'll go down and finish my coffee," I say, pointing at the staircase behind me.

"Yeah, go," he says, not budging from his spot.

As I move down the stairs he stands there, only when I reach the bottom of them do I hear his footsteps retreating.

Okay...? That was very weird.

I finish my coffee, scrolling through Twitter. That's when I come onto a page that has my face with drawn red horns and a trident as their profile picture. I almost spit out my coffee.

Okay? What?

I've heard celebrity girlfriends getting lots of hate, but I didn't think they hate non-famous too.

This so-called job is just getting worse and worse.

I tap on the profile and it opens up to their posts, which are full of calling me names like 'whore', 'gold digger', 'slut', and so on.

I lose my shit when I see a picture of myself naked. What the fuck.

It's a picture I sent Austin when we first started dating. I knew he was an asshole, a massive one, but I didn't think he'd be so vindictive and stoop so low.

I can feel my heartbeat in my chest, so loudly in my ears.

I can't have that photo plastered all over the internet.

My hands are shaking so much, that I have to place my coffee on the coffee table, or I'll spill it all over myself.

I can't believe it. I just can't.

It's been posted a few hours ago with the hashtag 'MeyersWhore'.

I thought I knew how cruel people could be before, but scrolling through their account. This is literally harassment at this point. The farther I scroll, the more my heart drops.

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