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Don't give a fuck of what you say

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Don't give a fuck of what you say

Apparently I've lost control

To all my friends that told me so

Just get out of the way

Because we don't want to behave

Apparently you lost control

You never had before

(These lyrics belong to THE DRIVER ERA)

I can feel each beat of the song through my body. The loudspeakers vibrate the open sky arena. The loud fans only add to them.

I wonder do they get tired of playing the same songs. It's bound to get tiring, isn't it? But they seem like they're having fun.

"Hey, Venus," Mr. Anderson tugs me away from the stage, where I was watching the band behind the curtains. "Those accounts have been taken down, and the pictures are mostly removed from the internet, but they will most likely keep resurfacing on the internet now and then, as we can't delete them from their phones, but for now, there are no pictures in the public view," he tells me, glancing behind for a second, then back to me.

"Oh, okay. Thank you very much," I pull a smile, trying to show that I'm really grateful.

Most of the time I'm not great with words or showing gratitude for them.

"No problem," he says, looking once again behind me, where the stage is, then back to me. "I think it's time for you two to make another outing, so people stop speculating about the authenticity of your relationship."

"Okay, yeah," I nod, even though I'm not comfortable with being near Alexandre after what happened not so long ago.

I watch the rest of the show, occasionally checking my phone.

Alexandre walks off the stage, picking a rolled towel, with which the table at the entrance to the stage is stacked, along with water bottles.

Taking a bottle, he uncaps it and drinks it like he's spent days in a desert with no water. Some of the water drips down his chin, along his chiseled jaw and perfect neck. His Adam's Apple moves up and down with each gulp.

"Enjoyed the show?" He asks, screwing the cap back onto the almost empty bottle.

"What?" I ask, startled. Has he seen me watching him? I mean I hate him, but I'm not blind or dead, because I'd have to be one of those to not admit he's attractive, very attractive. A few seconds later, it clicks what he's saying, at least I hope that's what he meant. "Yeah. Would've enjoyed it more if you were excluded," I say.

"Oh, come on. You know I'm your favorite part of the show," he smirks. "And the best," he adds, taking a step closer.

"That's very humble of you." My voice drips with sarcasm. He's the least humble I've met.

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