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I could feel someone watching me

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I could feel someone watching me.

Tiny needles of someone's stare prickle my skin.

No matter the amount of times I looked around, I couldn't find anyone. The feeling never goes away. Even in my own home, it doesn't go away.

"Venus," Elijah, my childhood best friend, calls my name, snapping me out of my trance. I haven't seen him in months. He's been away, traveling the world with his boyfriend. He only came back yesterday.

Elijah called me up this morning, almost demanding to meet up, telling me he missed me.

I did too. He's my closest friend, my only friend.

"What?" I ask, looking up at him. He extends his hand, holding out the brown paper bag with a croissant and cup of coffee.

"Thanks," I smile up at him.

"What's up with you?" He asks, taking across the table. We're in a small coffee shop near my place. It's kind of our place. We've been going here ever since I've moved into my place.

"Nothing," I say. It doesn't come out one bit convincing.

"No, it's not. You've been out of it all day today. What's up?" He takes a sip of his coffee, looking at me, waiting for me to spill.

"Austin broke into my place," I say, closing my fingers around the iced coffee, loving how it cools my hands down. "I've been on edge ever since. I can barely sleep at night, scared he'll do it again," I withhold telling about the time he assaulted me.

"Have you reported him?" He asks, worry clear in his voice. I shake my head in response. "Why not?" His voice is gentle, not judging or anything. He has always been the best friend ever, always supporting, never judging.

"I don't know," I say. I truly don't know why I haven't reported. I was so out of it the first couple of days it never even occurred to me to report what he's done.

"Is there anything else?" Elijah asks, already knowing I didn't tell him everything. Of course, he'd know. He's been my best friend for over a decade, he knows me better than anyone.

"He attacked me outside my apartment a few days back. I barely got away," I reveal. I tell him everything, not leaving any details out. I even tell him about Alexandre.

"I've never liked that asshole. He didn't deserve you," he says, sipping his coffee.

"Yeah. I just feel bad, I've only seen it now."

"Wanna go out this weekend?" He asks, switching the subject.

I hesitate. I haven't been out in months, except for the times with Alexandre, which don't really count, as I didn't have any fun.

"Yeah. You'll pick me up?" I need a night out, to get shitfaced drunk, and forget about what my life has turned into.

"I'll bring tequila. We'll pregame at your place."

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