Dream Meeting

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In his mind
It was dark and black and only him.

the afrostic wakandan protector skilled Ninjitsu kid was in a state of mind

He looks around .
He sees a bunch of versions of him in the same position
Across applesauce style .20 versions of him

they may look the same and think the same but still different

there is one that has an eye patch
What is happening
What's going on ?

One of the other Hueys speaks
A threat is coming they coming for us manly you so be prepared.

"They looking for some crystal ." says another
Who are they? Huey raised an eyebrow


this version had an Eye patch with a black jacket

It seems 3 of worst versions of us are wreaking havoc
Him allying with the other 2 is trouble.

Another Huey: real trouble the main one is a real issue
You got to stop him before it's too late .

Huey then felt something weird and senses went sharp .
He felt cold and dark.

They felt it too and looked around.
One of them
he close
Ah, shit they're here-
*poof *
He disappeared in a wink
Then one by one they kept disappearing
I16 versions of him has vanished

Its them we got to act fast warn every the others

they both nodded and they willingly disappeared.

be safe and might be our last line of defense so be careful we rely on you

he pull-out a gun and a sword .

he stared at his eyes

it was nice chatting with you and keep your Jasmine out of harm's way .

if i dont comeback its all up to you .

he vanished from thin air

Huey wakes up out of his bed with sweat coming from his forehead

and gasped for air .his heart was jumping rapidly.

Huey Freeman is standing on the rooftop of an abandoned building, looking out across the city. The wind is blowing strong, and his dark clothing flutters behind him. The sky is a deep shade of blue, and the sun is setting in the distance, casting long shadows across the streets below.
The buildings stretch up into the sky, towering over everything like monolithic structures.
In the distance, Huey can see the lights of the city, flickering and glowing like stars in the night

he starts drinking water and was training his reaction time

in the backyard he had high tech knife dispensers

he had no shirt and was ripped since last time

his afro is patted down but still big so he can put the helmet on easily .

he grows stronger and faster everyday plus aside from the panther erb he keeps around giving him the power of the black panther itself like his cousin T'challa giving him super strength but he knows how to control it .

the bad versions of him he knows could be trouble since he could feel their presence he got to do this himself or he might need some help .

a timer was set . he activated a force feild in his yard

the sharp knifes started flying at him rapidly and he dodges back and did the matrix . he propelled himself off the device and he spin kicked in the air and they tracked him and start blasting and did a spin move and dashed from it

he keeps dodging and ducking and did back flips as some of them flew into a tree
.he a kart wheel mid air

Learned it from tchalla himself

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Learned it from tchalla himself .
he dodges them for 3 minutes and he then he he practice using a sword and deflect them for 5 minutes.
He did the summersualt cartwheel backflip and perfect balance -he learned it from Kim possible

he wiped the sweat of f his face and took a breath of fresh air.


he then felt his back dripping of sweat maybe

but realized he got 2 cuts on his back and it start to ooze .

''almost perfect ''.he said Nonchalant

he was meditating and trained on pain tolerance

he been focusing on not estimating your opponent like Eric killmonger who gave him a harder time fighting and almost killed him but luckily t'challa helped him.

it was silence until his Kim-Toonminucator went off.

he answered

Huey:(Annoyed )hello ?

"hey this is Kim possible."

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