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As Wade told Kim Possible that Shego and Drakken were part of the evil trio's plan, he also informed Huey Freeman of some bad news.

Wade: "Huey, there's something else I need to tell you. One of the evil versions of you attacked Wakanda, and they broke Garnet's gems. She's shattered, Huey."

Huey Freeman: "What?! That's impossible. Garnet is nearly indestructible. Are you sure about this, Wade?"

Wade: "Positive. This version of you was wearing Black Panther armor and resembled Killmonger, but looked like you. I'm sorry, Huey."

Huey Freeman: "This is terrible news. I care about Garnet. She's one of the guardians of the universe. I have to go to Wakanda and see for myself."

Huey then summoned a Wakandan spacecraft and headed off to Wakanda. Upon arriving, Huey was visibly devastated to see Garnet in pieces.

Huey Freeman: "Oh no. This is a disaster. How could this happen to Garnet? She was so strong and powerful."

Huey then began to assess the situation and searched for any clues that could help him identify the evil version of himself responsible for the destruction of Wakanda and Garnet. He was determined to find this version of himself and put an end to their plan once and for all.

Huey Freeman: "I will not let this evil version of me get away with what they've done. We will work together and put an end to their plan. For Garnet and for the safety of the universe."

As Huey Freeman arrived in Wakanda, he was met with hostility from the Wakandan warriors, who thought he was the evil version responsible for the attack on Wakanda and the shattering of Garnet. He had to call out to Okoye and Ayo to explain the situation.

Huey Freeman: "Okoye, Ayo, it's me, Huey Freeman. I am not the evil version responsible for this attack. I am here to help."

Okoye: "How can we be sure of that? We have no way of knowing who is who."

Huey Freeman: "I understand your concern, but I assure you that I am here to help. Tell me, what has happened? How did the attack happen?"

Ayo: "The evil version of you came in with a shard and used its power to break Garnet. We tried to stop them, but they overpowered us."

Huey Freeman: "I see. The shard's power must have been too much for her. But there may be a way to reverse this."

Huey then took out some energy gloves he had.

Huey Freeman: "Is there any way for us to assemble her back together?"

Okoye: "We can try. But it won't be easy. Her gems are fragile and cannot be reassembled like a regular gem."

Huey Freeman: "Understood. But we have to try. Garnet is a guardian and a warrior. And we need her now more than ever."

Together, the Wakandan warriors and Huey Freeman worked to carefully assemble Garnet's shattered gems. It was a painstaking process, but they worked tirelessly, knowing that they needed Garnet back in action to stop the evil versions of Huey Freeman. After several hours of work, they were finally able to reassemble Garnet's gem and bring her back to life.

Huey Freeman knew that they needed to try every possible solution to reassemble Garnet, even if it meant calling in a favor. Without hesitation, he went to the warp pad in Steven Universe's house and teleported to Wakanda, bringing Steven along with him.

Upon arriving in Wakanda, Amethyst and Pearl looked at them in surprise. They didn't understand why Huey Freeman had brought Steven Universe to their world.

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