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Meanwhile at Dr Drakken

Doorbell rung

Look I'm not interested in anything you're selling --
It was the leader of the trio
The Huey who's smiles .

Wha— what are you doing here?!
I need you for a project I'm working on
Just come with me .

Nobody tells me Dr drakken what to do!!!!except Mother !!!
"You have no chose Drew Theordore P. lipsky
Who told you that nobody calls me that?!!

She's was reading a newspaper  in a minute

can you do it yourself dr D .
She moved the newspaper down a little to peep at who he is speaking too.
Well hello there didn't think you gonna show up cutie ?

Evil huey : I'm sorry who are you?!
We fought against each other sometimes with that annoying Kim possible, and her agency and her sidekick.
"Kim possible  hmm She is part of the Avengers ."he spoke silently but out loud
Your on the team too aren't you on there as well .

"Alright we're getting off-topic here ."
You have no choice .

Im evil I don't side with others this Im not
Not exactly the type to help other people .

He starts walking in
"I need you to make a robotic army ."

Darken:I wanted world domination to my self .
So no !!!

Shego dismissed him from my lair!!!

She sighed
Ughh!! Ok fine you need to leave, we can chat let

Why are your skin green?
"Long story short kid it was at was a magical comet .
I'm not a kid who are you talking like that

The evil variant breath took a deep
"Leave me no choice ."
Nano tech on his wrist started glowing .

Dr drakken : finally can a villain have an offday those bratts these days have so much energy to spare .
Shego: something feels off about him
His energy vibes kinda got my skin crawly .
She started shivering
Your overreacting Shego !!!

Idk dr .D he seems like a different person .

"Then again the only thing that creeps me out was his smiling ."
Matter of fact he never smiles . Drakken palmed his head with both heads what is he plann-

* the door was smashed and it sends Drakken into the couch .

As the smoke clears up
It shows him walking up to them

"I don't play no games it's either comply or die ."

Shego : I got this alright we didn't ask for a guess.
She charges towards him started swinging green aura fist at him .

"You got this Shego get him on his knees so I can tie him up to a rocket.!!!." he cheered
He keeps bobbing and weaving then kicked her sending her flying the backflips and catching herself.

He ran and got in cover behind.
He pulls out a pistol and started the fire at her
She dodges bullets and started blasting towards the rds had head but he dodges .
It was silent the as he was behind the couch taking cover. Then she slices the couch in half. He ducked and rolled out the way .

Shego :I don't have time for this you rude bratt ill throw you out of this house!!!" she furiously threatened
She slapped the gun out of his hand and grabbed his shirt.
"Someone's getting angry what are you gonna do Hulk out ." he smiled

she raged and growled
Tell Possible I said hello !!!
She punched with full power .
*punch *
But turns out he was in unharmed.
Then she do it again
Punch punch punch *
Every time she strikes him a force field activates.
I'm not scared of death already know your powers could be useful .
What the -

ToonHeroes  :multiverse crisis  part 1Where stories live. Discover now