Final conclusion

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TAURO was losing to the Huey who harness the shards power beating him up in a block of an eye .

What rex was watching as he was pounced by  killmonger
Jenny, seizing the opportunity, lunged forward and thrust her spear into Killmonger's shoulder, immobilizing him further. Rex, conflicted by the sight before him, prepared for the final blow but hesitated for a moment.

Killmonger: Do it! End me, Rex!

Rex stared at Killmonger, grappling with his decisions and the weight of taking a life.

Rex: I won't sink to your level. Killing you won't bring any justice or peace. You will face the consequences of your actions, but it won't be by my hand.

With hesitation and a deep sense of restraint, Rex tossed Killmonger to the ground, refusing to succumb to his darkest desires.

Killmonger glared up at Rex, frustration and anger etched across his face.

Killmonger: You're weak, Rex. You don't have the strength to do what's necessary!

Rex stood his ground, his voice filled with resolve.

Rex: Strength isn't about taking lives. It's about choosing the right path, even when it's difficult. I won't become what you are.

As the tension filled the air, the heroes continued to gather their bearings, their determination unshaken. The battle may have left scars, but their integrity remained intact.

Grim knight decide to use his last resort he brought and energy drainer and it only hurts anyone who DNA he took .
Everyone was zapped by red energy in agony including Kim .
Danny phaton used his forced Sheild ability to cover eddy and label .

Huey tanked the beam with all his might he broke through it and swipe the air and it crushed the machine as he absorbed it .
He dashed towards the grim knight as he dodges he uppercutted him into the ceiling and kept punching him as his face blooded .
He pressed his armand broke his shoulder .
Grim knight was starting at him finally look like he is afraid but grim knight smiled and ask him to kill him .
"Once you do it you cant go back ."

Huey's fury burned within him as Evil Huey held Jasmine at gunpoint, putting her life in immediate danger. The weight of the choice he faced was crushing, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing Jasmine.

Huey: Let her go, Evil me ! This ends now!

Evil Huey grinned, feeling empowered by the situation.

Evil Huey: Touché, Freeman. I hold all the cards now. Hand over the shard, or I'll make sure Jasmine suffers for your defiance.

Jasmine pleaded with Huey, her voice filled with fear.

Jasmine: Huey, please... I can't stand to see you hurt, and I won't let you sacrifice for me. You have to find another way.

Quietly, Huey whispered to Kim, giving her a signal. Flying towards Evil Huey, Kim skillfully disarmed him, knocking his gun away from Jasmine.

Kim: You're not taking anyone hostage anymore!

Huey stepped forward, facing Evil Huey with a tenacious look on his face.

Evil Huey was on the floor, grinning with twisted satisfaction. He used his green energy to lift Kim and Jasmine, both held captive by his power. The situation seemed dire, forcing Huey to make a difficult decision.

Huey struggled with conflicting emotions, his eyes shifting from purple to red. The weight of the choice weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Kim's voice quivered as she pleaded with Huey, realizing the grim reality they faced.

ToonHeroes  :multiverse crisis  part 1Where stories live. Discover now