alternate versions of revolutionary Huey is going threw universe wreaking havoc . Take place after civil war
Then leader is SB-120 Huey who smiles
He is planning to get a crystal call the amonix shard . If he achieves gathering them, their world...
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Kim : what's the sitch Wade : Kp there are theirs who are planning to steal an artifact from the meusem. I did some digging at it was an amulet with some squid creature . I have a hunch of what it comes from .
Kim : Show me the picture wade Sending now .
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Kim : wade it's more of hydra Yeh, it was brought over here in America after the war. Every artifact from hydra is not good which leads to the destruction. I thought Sheild confiscate other artifacts .
"Not all of them ." That's not good I'm on this
It was night time 10:00 museum closes .
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[Kim Possible races down the hall towards the museum as Jasmine Dubois wanders the halls]
Kim Possible: [Breathless] Hey, what are you doing here?
Jasmine Dubois: [Gasps and looks starstruck] Oh my gosh, you're Kim Possible!
Kim Possible: [Laughs] Yep, that's me. But we need to focus. I have reason to believe Hydra is trying to steal a relic from the museum. We need to stop them.
Jasmine Dubois: [Nervously] What?! But what can we do?
Kim Possible: I have a plan. Follow me. [Kim Possible grabs Jasmine's hand and leads her down the hall]
[As they approach the scene of the break-in, they can hear the thieves talking]
Hydra Thief 1: Alright, we just need to find the relic. Then we can get out of here.
Hydra Thief 2: But how are we going to find it? The museum is huge!
Kim Possible: [Whispers to Jasmine] Alright, I have an idea. We need to distract them. You go in first and pretend like you're lost. That will give me time to sneak up behind them.
Jasmine Dubois: [Nervously] Okay, I can do that.
[Kim Possible hides behind a nearby statue as Jasmine approaches the thieves]
Jasmine Dubois: Hi, sorry to bother you guys. I got lost and can't seem to find my way out.
Hydra Thief 1: Get out of here, kid. We're trying to do something important.
Jasmine Dubois: I know, I'm sorry. Can you just help me find the exit please?
[As the thieves are distracted, Kim Possible makes her move. With lightning fast reflexes, she takes them down one by one]
Kim Possible: [To Jasmine] Alright, let's get out of here. The police are on their way.
Jasmine Dubois: [Impressed] Wow, you're amazing! Can I please have your autograph?
Kim Possible: [Laughs] Sure thing. But first, we need to make sure the museum is safe.
[Jasmine nods, still in awe of Kim Possible. They secure the museum and Kim Possible signs Jasmine's notebook]
Kim Possible: [Smiling] There you go. And thanks for being brave and helping me out.
Jasmine Dubois: [Beaming with excitement] Thank you so much! I can't believe I met you. This is the best day ever.
Kim Possible and Jasmine Dubois walk out of the museum as heroes .
King:What's your name ? Jasmine Dubois: [Beaming with excitement] It's Jasmine
Kim Possible smiles and signs Jasmine's notebook
Kim Possible: [Smiling] There you go, Jasmine. And thanks for being brave and helping me out.
Jasmine Dubois: [Grinning from ear to ear] Thank you so much! I can't believe I met you. This is the best day ever.
"Are you by any chance friends with Huey ?"
You know Freeman ? I'm his neighbor we went too school together and been technically friends for year's. Kim (interested )you don't say .
. I met him on a trip to Woodcrest and he told me about his super cool spy friend named Kim.
Kim Possible: [Laughing] That's funny, he's told me about his friend Jasmine who he says is always looking for adventure.
Jasmine Dubois: [Blushing] That's so sweet of him. Huey's always been a great friend.
Kim Possible: (Nodding) yes , he is. And to answer your question, yes, he's a great adventurer and really smart too.
Jasmine Dubois: (smiling )I know, he's amazing. I can't wait to tell him I met you.
Kim Possible: (Smiling)I'm sure he'll be impressed. Alright, let's get going.
Kim:Let's go we need to get out of the museum "before the security guard see you ."
What's that who's there?! A security guard walked by the area and see nothing and shined a flash light Hmmm thought I heard something . Wait he shined the flashlight towards the 2 hydra members who were tied up . AH HA!!!. Art Theifs huh aye . After 5 minutes the coast was clear Kim was in the vent with jasmine . Wade show us a way out . Alright I have the cameras and edited it where only you can see the criminals . Ok thanks wade . No problem I have a cruise on the roof top ill take you home . Jasmine : ok
They are on top of the roof and climbed in the vehicle. Before taking me back home let me and you something .
Jasmine (smiling ) Can we hang out Like tomorrow .
When I'm available ill let you know
I see you on on the news a lot saving the world I admire you . It's no big its a team effort we can't do it alone when the world is in danger . " Very inspirational ."
"I got to send this to Huey ." She snap a selfie with her and Kim
Kim :Ok yeh that reminds me what's his favorite color What's his favorite book? Alot of books reading material and star wars . He tends to quote a it a lot too . That's very fascinating .
home, but when they arrived, they discovered that Jasmine's father, Tom Dubois, was extremely worried about her being late.
Tom was so relieved to see his daughter safe with Kim, but he was also upset that she was put in danger. Jasmine explained what had happened, and Kim showed Tom the artifacts that she recovered from the robbery. Tom was amazed by Kim's bravery and strength, and he felt grateful that she had saved his daughter.
After talking for a while, Tom realized that he had underestimated Kim and her abilities. He offered to use his connections to help Kim with her future missions, and Kim agreed.
From that day on, Tom Dubois became one of Kim's biggest supporters, and he often lent his legal expertise to help her. In the end, the Dubois family became good friends with Kim, and they were grateful to have her in their lives. They knew that they could always count on her to be there in times of need.